Devin the Dude Tours With Del, Coughee Brothaz

Devin the Dude Tours With Del, Coughee Brothaz If there's a run on Febreze, dryer sheets, and Little Debbie foodstuffs at your local stop'n'shop, you can bet you just missed the Devin the Dude caravan. Devin, his boys in Coughee Brothaz, Del tha Funkee Homosapien, Bukue One, and Serendipity Project are presently out on a lengthy, slow-rollin' tour through the U.S, with Knobody, Junk Science, and Iller Than Theirs slated to pop up on select dates.

The shows-- likely four hour ordeals peppered with drawn out monologues that go nowhere and a lot of beats best described as "slow"-- should be awesome, but man alive, I wouldn't wanna be on that tour bus when they get pulled over for a busted tail light.

Fittingly, Devin will follow up the big tour with a trip to Amsterdam's annual (perpetual?) Cannabis Cup. Fitting, cuz the dude likes weed.

Devin (all U.S. dates with Del, Coughee Brothers, et al):

09-28 Flagstaff, AZ - Orpheum Theater
09-29 Phoenix, AZ - Marquee Theater
09-30 Albuquerque, NM - Sunshine Theater
10-02 Houston, TX - The Warehouse
10-03 Austin, TX - Emo's
10-04 New Orleans, LA - Tipitina's
10-05 Baton Rouge, LA - Spanish Moon
10-06 Tallahassee, FL - Beta Bar
10-07 Tampa, FL - State Theater
10-09 Orlando, FL - The Social
10-10 Charleston, SC - Village Tavern
10-11 Athens, GA - Georgia Theater
10-12 Asheville, NC - Orange Peel
10-13 Carrboro, NC - Cat's Cradle
10-14 Charlottesville, NC - Satellite Ballroom
10-15 Baltimore, MD - Sonar
10-17 Philadelphia, PA - World Cafe Live
10-19 New York, NY - B.B. King Blues Club
10-20 Boston, MA - Middle East
10-21 Burlington, VT - Higher Ground
10-23 Ann Arbor, MI - Blind Pig
10-24 Columbus, OH - Skully's
10-25 Lexington, KY - The Dame
10-26 Bloomington, IL - Bluebird Theatre
10-27 Chicago, IL - Metro
10-28 Madison, WI - High Noon Saloon
10-29 Duluth, MN - Pizza Luce
10-30 Minneapolis, MN - First Avenue
10-31 Omaha, NE - Slowdown
11-01 Fort Collins, CO - Aggie Theater
11-02 Denver, CO - Cervantis
11-03 Aspen, CO - Belly Up Tavern
11-04 Boulder, CO - Fox Theater
11-05 Park City, UT - Suede
11-08 Portland, OR - Roseland
11-09 Seattle, WA - Showbox
11-10 Eugene, OR - Wow Hall
11-11 Chico, CA - Senator Theatre
11-13 San Francisco, CA - Slim's
11-14 San Francisco, CA - Slim's
11-21 Amsterdam, Netherlands - Melkweg (Cannabis Cup)
Posted by Paul Thompson on Fri, Sep 28, 2007 at 3:35pm