Rage, Bjork, Arcade Fire, LCD, Battles Play Big Day Out

Rage, Bjork, Arcade Fire, LCD, Battles Play Big Day Out A Pitchfork Media one-question multiple choice exam:

1) Big Day Out is:

A. A marathon.
B. A Madeline book.
C. A music festival that tours Australia and New Zealand in January and February, featuring a lineup this year that boasts quite a few impressive names.
D. Dogstar's new album.

It's "C" of course! (Isn't it always?) As for the aforementioned lineup, every date of the touring fest features the Arcade Fire, Björk, Rage Against the Machine, LCD Soundsystem, Battles, Dizzee Rascal, the Clean, and Billy Bragg, among others. Rage's appearance marks the first time their reunion tour has hit non-American shores.

The BDO schedule is after the jump.


01-18 Auckland, New Zealand - Mt. Smart Stadium
01-20 Gold Coast, Australia - Parklands
01-25 Sydney, Australia - Sydney Showgrounds
01-28 Melbourne, Australia - Flemington Racecourse
02-01 Adelaide, Australia - Adelaide Showground
02-03 Perth, Australia - Claremont Showgrounds
Posted by Dave Maher on Tue, Oct 2, 2007 at 10:00am