Sunset Rubdown, Final Fantasy Draw Sea Monsters

As does Cadence Weapon
Sunset Rubdown, Final Fantasy Draw Sea Monsters It takes all kinds: some folks to lead, others to follow. Some to start wars, some to fight them, some to end them. Some to create, some to destroy. And at least one guy to make a zine collecting drawings of sea monsters.

Trevor Basset is that guy, and Sea Monstre is his zine. Initiated earlier this month, Sea Monstre presently exists in blog-form on the world wide web, but the Seattle-based Basset hopes to sell hard copies in zine-friendly local shops and online in early 2008.

So just who has contributed to Sea Monstre thus far? Well, in addition to a few of Basset's fellow illustrators and graphic designers, a handful of musical types you might recognize have served up leviathan renderings. Owen Pallett (Final Fantasy), former Pitchfork contributor Rollie Pemberton (Cadence Weapon), and three members of Sunset Rubdown-- Spencer Krug, Michael Doerksen, and Jordan Robson-Cramer-- all gave it a go; those are Krug's, Pallett's, and Pemberton's doodles, respectively, above. And since this is an ongoing project, who knows just who will pop up next?

Now if only we could get some indie rock celebs to put stuff on their cats...
Posted by Matthew Solarski on Tue, Oct 30, 2007 at 4:45pm