Baroness Roll Over East Coast on Tour

Baroness Roll Over East Coast on Tour Stoner metal stalwarts Baroness laid a fine one on us this year with their Red Album. But there's just something so inherently un-metal about listening to a metal record on earbuds while walking to the bank and stuff, isn't there? Shouldn't you be in the closest proximity possible to the source of said metal, gleaming with the sweat of the unwashed masses, gazing in awe at a guitar improbably shaped like a V and gnarled beard hairs numbering in the thousands? Totally, dude.

So, then, head on down to these, the brief (but only preliminary) slate of dates on Baroness' fall tour. Metal will be there in the flesh; do say hello for us, would you?


11-29 Philadelphia, PA - First Unitarian Church
11-30 Cambridge, MA - Middle East *
12-01 New York, NY - Bowery Ballroom *
12-02 Washington, DC - DC9
12-03 Richmond, VA - Alley Katz
12-04 Wilmington, NC - Soapbox Laundrolounge ^

* with Witchcraft, Radio Moscow
^ with Weedeater

Posted by Paul Thompson on Wed, Nov 21, 2007 at 1:20pm