sBACH (Hella's Spencer Seim) Signs to Suicide Squeeze

Sebastian Bach ponders lawsuit for about five seconds before returning to text messaging Axl Rose
sBACH (Hella's Spencer Seim) Signs to Suicide Squeeze

Man, this new project from Spencer Seim sounds Hella crazy! Seim, guitarist and founding member of cacophonous Californians Hella, has a new little thing on the side he's calling sBACH.

According to a press release, Seim "promises to have no idea what the record will sound like until he sits down to record." (Though, uh, "kinda crazy" is probably a safe bet, even this far out.) We did note, however, that his MySpace claims "sBACH makes music only old people can hear." Hey, kinda like that other S. Bach!

Suicide Squeeze will release Seim's debut August 19, with an sBACH tour to follow. Since those dates have yet to come to light, and Hella don't seem to be up to much now, we will encourage patience, in ourselves as well as in others.

Posted by Paul Thompson on Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 1:14pm