Tapes 'n Tapes Walk It Off for Cancer Research

Tapes 'n Tapes Walk It Off for Cancer Research

Tapes 'n Tapes aren't just talking the talk when it comes to their new Walk It Off LP. They're walking the walk as well. And they were hoping you could do it with them.

You see, Tapes 'n Tapes have this record coming out called Walk It Off (release dates: April 7 in the UK and April 8 in the U.S. on XL). To celebrate, they're looking for folks to register as "Team Tapes 'n Tapes" at breast cancer research walk-a-thons in their hometowns. The top fundraiser in each city will not only get the satisfaction of helping out a good cause, but a personalized, autographed copy of the vinyl version of Walk It Off.

Walk-a-thons are taking place across the country throughout the spring, summer, and fall. Tapes 'n Tapes encourage you to check out the sites of the American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, or the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure for information on a walk taking place in your city. The band puts particular emphasis on the Susan G. Komen Twin Cities Race for the Cure, which takes place May 11-- Mother's Day, don't you know-- in the band's native Minneapolis/St. Paul. Charity, as they say, begins at home.

Though without a Lear jet or something, Tapes 'n Tapes won't be anywhere near the upper Midwest that particular May weekend, as they'll be on tour on the West Coast. However, the band plans to participate in a breast cancer walk once their tour ends in the summer.

And, in other Tapes news, Walk It Off's first single, "Hang Them All", hits UK shelves March 31.

Tapes ‘n Tapes:

04-08 New York, NY - Virgin Megastore Union Square (in-store)
04-10 Minneapolis, MN - First Avenue *
04-11 Chicago, IL - Metro *
04-12 Detroit, MI - The Magic Stick *
04-14 Toronto, Ontario - The Opera House *
04-15 Montreal, Quebec - Cabaret Music Hall *
04-16 Burlington, VT - Higher Ground *
04-17 Boston, MA - Paradise Rock Club *
04-18 New York, NY - Irving Plaza *
04-19 Brooklyn, NY - Music Hall of Williamsburg *
04-22 Philadelphia, PA - First Unitarian Church *
04-23 Washington, DC - 9:30 Club *
04-24 Chapel Hill, NC - Local 506 *
04-25 Atlanta, GA - The Earl *
04-26 St. Augustine, FL - Café 11 *
04-28 Orlando, FL - The Social *
04-29 Gainesville, FL - Common Grounds *
04-30 Birmingham, AL - Bottletree *
05-02 Austin, TX - Antone's *
05-03 Denton, TX - Hailey's *
05-06 Tucson, AZ - Club Congress *
05-07 San Diego, CA - The Casbah *
05-08 West Hollywood, CA - Troubadour *
05-09 West Hollywood, CA - Troubadour *
05-10 San Francisco, CA - Fillmore *
05-12 Eugene, OR - W.O.W. Hall *
05-13 Vancouver, British Columbia - Richards on Richards *
05-14 Seattle, WA - The Showbox *
05-16 Salt Lake City, UT - In the Venue *
05-17 Denver, CO - Bluebird Theater *
05-28 London, England - The Garage
05-30 Birmingham, England - Barfly
06-01 Manchester, England - Academy
06-03 Paris, France - Nouveau Casino
06-04 Brussels, Belgium - Recyclart
06-05 Amsterdam, Netherlands - Paradiso
06-06 Njimegen, Netherlands - Doornroosje
06-07 Berlin, Germany - Bang Bang Club
06-09 Hamburg, Germany - Logo
06-10 Cologne, Germany - Gebaude 9

* with White Denim

Posted by Paul Thompson on Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 1:30pm