Prefuse 73 Clears Up Warp Records Confusion on Blog

Collaborates with Battles drummer John Stanier
Prefuse 73 Clears Up Warp Records Confusion on Blog In a MySpace blog entry posted yesterday, Guillermo Scott "Prefuse 73" Herren does a little clarifying work regarding yesterday's report in these pages that, despite his claims that he'd left British electronic music imprint Warp as a solo artist, label representatives insisted otherwise.

After apologizing for the confusion, Herren reiterates his original point: "WARP does not represent me, I rep myself + R.Rasheed(Leb Laze) only." He adds, "NO. Despite any info on today - Everything regarding Prefuse 73 is true_ I'm sorry= P73 is not on WARP - I AM indeed the guy or at least the main mind behind PREFUSE 73 - The most recent blog is true." Guess that means, then, that despite Warp's earlier insistence to the contrary in an emailed statement, Prefuse 73 has indeed left the label as a solo artist.

He goes on to discuss RiSIL, his new band-- who are, by his own admission, set to release material on Warp. "I did not release 'info' or a name behind the band I am in to the press people because I wanted it to be something 'special' etc.. However, this is Pitchfork's job to report, so there are no hard feelings of course." Appreciate it, man; that was, indeed, all we were up to.

He then adds that "since it's got to be unexciting and foretold, I'll spill the beans... The 'band' is called: 'RiSIL' the album is called 'Breaking Soems'... It's more like falling down a flight of stairs than the 'sound' of prefuse73... It's a lot of people, and a lot of drums... let's stop there." Okay then.

Herren goes on to discuss the status of forthcoming efforts from his Savath y Savalas project and his DJ Leb Laze, and also touches on another intriguing project of which we were heretofore unaware: Diamond Watch Wrists, a joint effort between Herren and Battles drummer John Stanier.

"It is a collection of songs from my few spare moments not on a task that I've recorded singing and playing," Herren writes, adding, "this group of songs [is] generally mellow, indeed in english and pretty much untouched from the 'glitch' stamp I can not escape. I'm in the middle of all of this now."

See why we like reporting on you? Because you are always up to something worth reporting on.

Prefuse 73:

05-06 Lille, France - Le Grand Mix
05-07 Paris, France - Marocinerie
05-08 Lyon, France - Nuits Sonores
05-09 Rome, Italy - Dissonanze Festival
05-11 Berlin, Germany - Volksbühne (DJ set)
05-14 London, England - Astoria *
06-20 New York, NY - Whitney Museum (Wordless Music Series) #

* with Battles
# with ACME

Posted by Paul Thompson on Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 2:05pm