Holopaw, Boyracer, Brittle Stars Play Pop Mayhem!

Holopaw, Boyracer, Brittle Stars Play Pop Mayhem! Indie pop lovers of the world, it's time to get all giddy again. Gainesville Pop Mayhem! takes over the titular Florida city from May 7-10 (the poster says it begins May 8, but we swear there's a show on May 7 too), invading several local venues and stuffing them with the sweet, sweet sounds of twee, cuddlecore, dream pop, and the like.

Scheduled performers include onetime Sub Pop act Holopaw, Australian mainstays the Cannanes, and post-punkers Human Television, plus the first live outing from the mighty Boyracer in way too long. The icing on this cake, however, is a one-off, ten year anniversary reunion performance from exquisitely melancholy melody-makers Brittle Stars, whose singer will be flown in all the way from Israel for the gig.

These delights will be supplemented by sets from Orange Twin act Nana Grizol, Mahogany pals Brasilia, too-cute coupling Citra Super, and-- well, you can read the adorable poster up there, or you can swing on over to the Pop Mayhem! website for the full scoop.
Posted by Matthew Solarski on Fri, May 2, 2008 at 4:50pm