Battles Do Their Thing All Over the Place

Battles Do Their Thing All Over the Place

Photo by Nilina Mason-Campbell

After a brief run of U.S. dates in the middle of this month (including a MySpace-sponsored, not-so-secret show with Gnarls Barkley June 8 at New York's Irving Plaza), the bob-and-weavers of Battles will bring their mutant prog-rock to the people of Europe for about a month's worth of festival gigs.

The fearsomely tight foursome will grace some of the continent's biggest stages, before heading back to North America to do much the same once back in North America at places like Lollapalooza and Bumbershoot. Wherever there's uncomplicated music to smite, Battles will be there.


06-08 New York, NY - Irving Plaza *
06-12 Manchester, TN - Bonnaroo
06-14 Washington, DC - 9:30 Club !
06-15 Philadelphia, PA - Johnny Brenda's (two shows) !
06-25 Stockholm, Sweden - Accelerator Festival
06-27 Paris, France - Evreux Festival
06-28 Glastonbury, England - Glastonbury Festival
06-29 Katowice, Poland - Nowa Muzyka
06-30 Haarlem, Netherlands - Patronaat
07-02 Oslo, Norway - Quart Festival
07-04 Roskilde, Denmark - Roskilde Festival
07-05 London, England - Knebworth Park
07-06 Belfort, France - Eurockeenees Festival
07-10 Turin, Italy - Traffic Festival
07-11 Dublin, Ireland - Oxygen
07-12 Birmingham, England - Supersonic
07-13 Edinburgh, Scotland - T in the Park
07-15 Brighton, England - Concorde 2
07-17 Benicassim, Spain - Benicassim Festival
07-18 Dour, Belgium - Dour Festival
07-19 Brussels, Belgium - Rock Herk
07-20 Leipzig, Germany - Melt Festival
07-26 Antigonish, Nova Scotia - Evolve Festival
08-02 Chicago, IL - Lollapalooza
08-16 New York, NY - Central Park Summerstage ^
09-01 Seattle, WA - Bumbershoot

* with Gnarls Barkley
! with Thank You
^ with Black Dice, Gang Gang Dance

Posted by Paul Thompson on Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 4:00pm