Animal Crossing

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Animal Crossing, as told by a /b/tard.
Animal Crossing, as told by a /b/tard.

Animal Crossing is one of the most piece of shit games on the planet. It was designed by a team of furries who were irl ridiculed, and therefore decided to make a little virtual community where they could chat and not get their ass kicked for showing their faces in public.

As this so-called "video game" neared completion, the internet was making its way out of the uterus, and the team of furries realized there were other furries who were also getting ridiculed around the world. So it was decided to release the game to everyone; it was originally going to be online, but fortunately Nintendo knew what would happen if furries could all band together, so b& it.

In the game, furries talk to other furries, aka a furfag community. Due to a high amount of furries, which thankfully is a lot less now thanks to W, this exploded with the release of the second Animal Crossing game, Wild World ,which, as the name implies, features plenty of hot animal porn. There was also an online mode, in which furries show off their new hats and clothing in an attempt to be erotic, and stand on both sides of animals to do emotion signs that make it look like they're gangbanging the neighbor elephant.

Many normal people have been turned furr-curious as a result of those strangely arousing, flat-chested anthropomorphic ragamuffins. Fortunately, the unexpected increase in the furry population was cut short when George Bush banned foreign trade in 2003.

The third Animal Crossing game was released in 2008. It's awesome. HAHAHA DISREGARD THIS, I SUCK COCKS.


List of things to do in Animal Crossing


Awesome Crossing: the entire game summed up in 30 seconds

A gyroid. Certainly the best character Animal Crossing has to offer. Wriggles and stores items.
A gyroid. Certainly the best character Animal Crossing has to offer. Wriggles and stores items.

Animal Crossing movie???!!!

Say it isn't so... Why??

Animal Crossing Community?!

Typical announcement on the message board.
Typical announcement on the message board.

Yes, it has its own forums in the asshole of the interwebs. All the people there are either furries, trolls, or niggers or faggots; but they aren't allowed to admit it due to the Communist rules that prevent everything lulzy from flaming/trolling to saying the word "Freak". You're not even allowed to link to YouTube (You'll get banned in a second if you do). The people on that site can be categorized easily into one of five areas. Furries, Mods, the mods bitches (blowjob anyone?), Weaboos, and No0bs. The mods are the most lulziest out there, and some have even banned themselves by accident (srsly). 80% of the people there don't even play Animal Crossing anymore/have never played it in their life, but have become soft and decided to hide in the website for fear of sites like 4chan and this one (If anyone linked to a site like this they'd be banhammered anyways). If any of them ever saw something like Goatse, they would probably become an hero as quickly as possible (unless Bob the Cat was doing Goatse, then they would fap to it). Most people on there are people who are in fear of the word damn and hell (they even put OMG into the filter due to "religious reasons"). Many mods live there as well who are constantly breathing down your neck waiting for you to screw up. For instance if a girl post a fanic that has the title "CRITISIZMZ WANTED!!!!!111one" and you typed "It could be better but its okay", then the author,mods,newbies,and several others would come crashing down upon you like a H-bomb on Hiroshima (However instead of dying in a horrible fiery inferno you'll get the banhammer). OH NOES. They implanted flood control. Currently, the most known 1337 h4x0rs are ACFan192 and Nintendrew101. LULZ.

The scum that is ACA
The scum that is ACA

In fact, there are two Animal Crossing communities like this: ACC and AXA. Consider them the Coke and Pepsi of the world of AC forums.However both are equally shitty as AXA is really unpopular but has smart people but ACA is more popular but has people who have no idea how to spell,read,write,eat,sleep,or find a game that is worth buying instead of fapping to Bob holding a fishing rod

Tom Nook

This elderly tortoise will welcome you into his village with open arms.
This elderly tortoise will welcome you into his village with open arms.

Tom Nook is a coon who runs the local mafia and can also be seen in your house watching you fap. You can earn money by selling things to Nook, unless you want to be a hobo, although it's not advised by Nintendo as you've got to compete with hobo Joan the fucking pig creature. At the beginning of the game Tom Nook makes you his personal slave forcing you to do landscaping for his shitty shop, giving him blow jobs and performing tasks which require you to run around in circles for an hour.

In his last "shop" upgrade Tom summons two other Nazi raccoons, which he uses for pissing you off constantly while you shoplift. Tom Nook likes to keep you in debt by making your house bigger every time you pay off your mortgage (If you pay him 14,136 bells and give him a blowjob he'll even install a KFC to satisfy all your nigger needs!). Try to hop town when you're working for Nook? Bad idea. srsly folks, there's no escape from the clutches of this gangster raccoon. Tom Nook's first words to you? "bitch, plz".

See also

Image:Gamecontroller.gif Animal Crossing is part of a series on Gaming.
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