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Jagex is a company made by Andrew Gower at least 100 years ago, a trust fund kid from Cambridge, think of him as the Mark Zuckerberg of the UK. This goddamn Jew markets his shitty java game RuneScape, all of his riches come from 13 year old boys. The 13 year old boys who dote upon his every step have been found to be 59% furry and 100% gay. But we digress.


[edit] Facts about Jagex

Jagex is British, so you know that everyone who works there has bad teeth. The customer support is as bad as trying to have a decent conversation with Hellen Keller. People can sometimes be surprised about how bad the game is, but that is only because they use the simplest languages ever, Java, and fail. The graphics are like the world is to a severely autistic kid - blocky and fucked up. If, God forbid, Britain had a Better Business Bureau, Jagex would likely be shut down due to all the complaints shoved in their boxes; the number of which is said to exceed 900,000. Some argue that number will reach over 1,000,000 by 2012.

  • UPDATE: Fagex took out the rants forum, probably because they were tired of dealing with 12 year old bullshit for eight straight years. So, the new forum to rant at is the compliments forum, make sure to bitch there.

[edit] Hypnotism

Despite the fact that Jagex's customer support is worse than a FEMA response team after a Cat-5, kids the world over empty their pockets and open their mouths which welcome Andrew and Paul's dicks month after month. World Economics doesn't get moar real than this.

Jagex can hypnotize people like this.

[edit] Moar Games Besides RuneScape

Jagex has only made one actual game that took more than 5 minutes to make (RuneScape), and if you visit their website their gallery of "games" consists of:

  • Vertigo, a crap platformer where you roll a ball around on platforms to do crap. That hasn't been done before, amirite?
  • Meltdown, 2D sidescroller where you shoot bullets from a ship to get out of somewhere. Hasn't been done before either, evidently.
  • Flea Circus, where you herd retarded fleas out of caves. EPIC.

[edit] FunOrb

FunOrb is a new site made by Fagex where many basement dwellers play crappy 2D pixel games. Nothing special.

[edit] See Also

[edit] External Links

Image:Gamecontroller.gif Jagex is part of a series on Gaming.

Jagex is part of a series on MMORPGs.

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