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International, The
Columbia Pictures (Sony)

International, The reviews
Critic Score
Metascore: 52 Metascore out of 100
User Score  
6.0 out of 10
based on 33 reviews
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based on 23 votes
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MPAA RATING: R for some sequences of violence and language

Starring Clive Owen, Naomi Watts, Armin Mueller-Stahl, and Brían F. O'Byrne

In The International, a gripping thriller, Interpol Agent Louis Salinger and Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Eleanor Whitman are determined to bring to justice one of the world’s most powerful banks. Uncovering myriad and reprehensible illegal activities, Salinger and Whitman follow the money from Berlin to Milan to New York to Istanbul. Finding themselves in a high-stakes chase across the globe, their relentless tenacity puts their own lives at risk as their targets will stop at nothing – even murder – to continue financing terror and war. (Sony Pictures)

GENRE(S): Drama  |  Suspense/Thriller  
WRITTEN BY: Eric Warren Singer  
DIRECTED BY: Tom Tykwer  
RELEASE DATE: Theatrical: February 6, 2009 
RUNNING TIME: 118 minutes, Color 
ORIGIN: USA | Germany | UK 

What The Critics Said

All critic scores are converted to a 100-point scale. If a critic does not indicate a score, we assign a score based on the general impression given by the text of the review. Learn more...

Chicago Sun-Times Roger Ebert
Clive Owen makes a semi-believable hero, not performing too many feats that are physically unlikely. As the plucky DA, Naomi Watts wisely plays up her character's legal smarts and plays down the inevitable possibility that the two of them will fall in love.
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Boston Globe Ty Burr
I can promise you a fairly good thriller with mixed-bag elements: preposterous plot, smartly elegant direction, one of the worst recent performances by a major actress, and a dynamite stick of an action scene that can stand close to the greats (the car chase in "The French Connection," the single-take battle sequence in "Children of Men") and from which the movie never really recovers.
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San Francisco Chronicle Mick LaSalle
Won't go down as an action thriller for the record books, but it's a pretty good one for right now. First of all, the villain is a bank. How's that for timing?
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The Hollywood Reporter Sura Wood
Punctuated with bursts of explosive energy, this is a contained, cerebral film.
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NPR Bob Mondello
Tykwer being something of an architecture freak, controlling Third World debt also requires a trip to the rooftops of Istanbul, to Zaha Hadid's BMW factory, and to Daniel Libeskind's Jewish Museum in Berlin. All great fun in a story that's more kinetic than compelling.
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Washington Post Ann Hornaday
The compulsively watchable Owen makes for an ideal leading man of both action and angst. The film's eye-popping set piece, a shootout at the Guggenheim Museum, is an extravagantly choreographed valentine to philistines everywhere.
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70 Stephanie Zacharek
This is a thriller where the cutting, even in most of the action sequences, is meticulous but leisurely. The elaborate set pieces are so beautifully worked out that you could take them apart, shot by shot, and fit the pieces back together like an intricate Chinese puzzle.
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Seattle Post-Intelligencer Sean Axmaker
For all its impressive set pieces and breathless momentum, it's neither passionate nor urgent.
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Entertainment Weekly Lisa Schwarzbaum
There's something almost endearingly out of sync about the sleek but now dated Euro-thriller The International.
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Christian Science Monitor Peter Rainer
What it's mainly about is movie stars skittering from locale to locale while bullets whiz by and the plot thickens – or, more to the point, curdles.
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ReelViews James Berardinelli
The International possesses the look and feel of a thriller, but not the heart or soul of one.
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Baltimore Sun Michael Sragow
Overall, though, the movie lacks the dash, wit, authority and character to become a first-class thinking-man's thriller.
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Chicago Tribune Michael Phillips
While its globe-trotting itinerary recalls the mad whirl of a "Bourne" picture, nothing about this film's style resembles the second or third "Bourne" outings (which I loved).
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Philadelphia Inquirer Steven Rea
Where "Run Lola Run" was like a perpetual-motion machine, The International seems to forever be stopping in its own tracks. Tykwer takes coffee breaks to explain the convoluted and dicey plot.
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Miami Herald Rene Rodriguez
An hour after seeing it, you may not remember what The International was about. But you'll certainly remember that shootout. That is something to behold.
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USA Today Claudia Puig
Though not as action-packed as some thrillers, The International is noteworthy for its unusually scenic and architecturally dazzling locations.
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Rolling Stone Peter Travers
A decent thriller that should have been dazzling, is nothing if not topical.
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Time Richard Corliss
If you take Tykwer's film even half-seriously, it will be like one of those horror movies that you leave, suspecting that the crazy, ingenious super-killer is waiting for you outside. A warning, then, to the susceptible: After seeing The International, don't dare go to an ATM.
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Portland Oregonian Shawn Levy
There's a nifty shootout at the Guggenheim Museum and a lot of scenic travel, but little in it compels.
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The Onion (A.V. Club) Nathan Rabin
Ultimately feel so empty and forgettable.
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The Globe and Mail (Toronto) Rick Groen
An action thriller with some decent action and a few thrills, but all embedded in a yarn so hopelessly tangled that even the loose threads have knots.
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Austin Chronicle Josh Rosenblatt
I couldn't help feeling that The International was stuck in second gear, like it couldn't decide whether to be fun or meaningful and so settled for being neither.
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Los Angeles Times Kenneth Turan
Despite being structured in an intriguing way -- bits of confusing action are shown first and explained later -- The International never finds its footing.
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TV Guide Cammila Albertson
Despite all the points it gains for furrowed brows and kick-ass gunfights, the film loses quite a few for being dry as burnt toast.
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Chicago Reader J.R. Jones
It's almost worth seeing, though, for the incredible action set piece at the center.
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Variety Todd McCarthy
Graced with well-chosen location eye candy, Tom Tykwer's biggest production to date is proficient but lacks the added tension and characterization to put it anywhere near the top tier of contempo action suspensers.
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Premiere Olivia Putnal
There’s an over-abundance of dialog that can be downright boring, especially when it’s sandwiched between fast-paced car chases and all-out gun fights.
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New York Magazine David Edelstein
It's good enough that you forget how much better Brian De Palma could do it. The rest is a slow road to nowhere, less clunky than "The Interpreter" but bogged down by its own cynicism.
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The New York Times A.O. Scott
So undistinguished that the moments you remember best are those that you wish another, more original director had tackled.
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New York Daily News Joe Neumaier
The International almost seems like a Monty Python spoof on spy-game thrillers in which the phrase "secret agent" is constantly replaced by "banker," resulting in lines like, "...If I die, 100 other bankers take my place."
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New York Post Lou Lumenick
Remarkably dull thriller.
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Village Voice Scott Foundas
Both actors (Owens and Watts) seem mildly aggrieved (and not at all convincing) at having to play characters considerably less intelligent than themselves in a movie that plays even dumber.
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Wall Street Journal Joe Morgenstern
Motion is in copious supply -- a frenzied shootout at Manhattan's Guggenheim Museum grows interminable -- but the workings of the abstract plot are unfathomable, the characters are unpleasant and a couple of assassinations leave us as cold as the corpses.
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What Our Users Said

Vote Now!The average user rating for this movie is 6.0 (out of 10) based on 23 User Votes
Note: User votes are NOT included in the Metascore calculation.

Kim L gave it a7:
International was hell of a lot better than the last Bond movie. At last actions shots that did not make me sick from over cutting and subliminal flashes. Not a movie to rave about but better than average.

Chad S. gave it a6:
The son knows exactly how daddy is able to outfit the family in a lap of luxury. He isn't sent out of the room when Jonas(Ulrich Thomsen) conducts his questionable business dealings with multi-national bank associates over the video phone. The call had interrupted their game, in which the IBBC CEO was teaching young Cassian, through metaphorical means, the nuts and bolts of amoral banking practices. After the transmission is completed, Jonas asks his son for advice, as a test of the lesson he just imparted over their loaded game. The boy's answer indicates that the protege has learned his lessons well. The rich are different. More domestic scenes like this one, in which the filmmaker explicates on the mentality of the unaccountably rich, would have been more welcome than the genre-required ones which only shows the mechanics of this moral disorder that the corporate suits are seemingly afflicted with these days. As a result, "The International" has clarity issues pertaining to the specifics of the bank's commercial indiscretions. By the time Louis(Clive Owen) tracks his man down on the Turkish rooftops, most viewers will only have an abstract sense of Jonas' transgression. It's hard to muster up any animosity for a character that's somewhat underwritten. This filmmaker, previously known for art house fare such as "Lola rennt", and "Der Kreiger und die Kaiserin", finds the perfect metaphor for his crossover into commercial filmmaking, by staging an action set-piece in the Guggenheim Museum, where he proceeds to make mincemeat out of art(as does Hollywood).

Bryan P gave it a6:
Not a bad story. I was taken out of the movie by some of the acting, like when Naomi Watts slammed her HURT hand on the table to show indignation. The ending left was not good at all but I don't know how it could be done differently.

William N. gave it a4:
Not sure what to rate this film. I like the principals. I enjoyed the secondaries and all the crowd fillers...Ostensibly about BCCI way back when, you remember that? None of us does...and what sticks with you is not the beautiful cinematography, but will be second, to the point of philosophy wherein when will there be someone who will actually stand up to all the crap in the world and get something done? And, really, is it so true that, you become one of them if you do...and, so bleak, you can't work within the system, and get rid of the baddies...This is NEVER a bad point to make, and for me, the film worked. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Seriously. For me in general, a film works or it doesn't, and for me, it did. I hate rating things...and so gave it a 4...but I'm sure, these "pans" here will, make a strange statement to box office receipts. Can't wait for the next Clive Owen piece, though we have to wade through that girl from Biloxi (MS.'s) "presence" on the screen too. Oh well. That will be another review.

bbarb hy gave it a0:
"Give me a break". Four words I said out-loud constantly throughout this movie.

hoj Hardon gave it a0:
I'm not taking it easy here. this movie does stink. The acting, directing, writing, editing, and action is all flat. I am so dissapointed. I expected a great movie.

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