"Mykonos" / "Blue Ridge Mountains" (Live on "Saturday Night Live")

Video: Fleet Foxes: "Mykonos" / "Blue Ridge Mountains" (Live on "Saturday Night Live")

Fleet Foxes played Saturday Night Live last night, a rare event for a band on an independant label. I didn't stay up to catch it, but they were supposed to perform "Blue Ridge Mountains" and "Mykonos". So far all I've found is a video of the latter, which is a fine song taken from the Sun Giant EP. Unfortunately, it's a camera-pointed-at-a-TV deal, and to top it off, the closed captioning was on (here's your chance to see how many times they sing the word "Oh" in the chorus). Not sure if the Hulu people work on Sunday or not, but we'll update here as better video (and a clip of "Blue Ridge Mountains") becomes available.

Update: Here's a better version of "Mykonos", and now we have "Blue Ridge Mountains" too. Big thanks to Josh Spiro for the tip.


"Blue Ridge Mountains"

[the Sun Giant EP and Fleet Foxes are out now on Sub Pop]

Posted by Mark Richardson on Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 2:15pm