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Season Five
SERIES: ABC, Wednesday 9:00p (60 minutes)

Critic Score
Metascore: 77 Metascore out of 100
User Score  
8.2 out of 10
based on 14 reviews
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based on 26 votes
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Starring Matthew Fox, Josh Holloway, Naveen Andrews, Michael Emerson, Yunjin Kim, Jeremy Davies, Ken Leung, Evangeline Lilly, Elizabeth Mitchell, and Terry O'Quinn

The answers to when/where did the island go and how Locke died are to be answered this season as the show approaches the end of the series (slated for 2010).

GENRE(S): Drama, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Damon Lindelof
FIRST AIR DATE: January 21, 2009

What The Critics Said

All critic scores are converted to a 100-point scale. If a critic does not indicate a score, we assign a score based on the general impression given by the text of the review. Learn more...

USA Today Robert Bianco
This is an epic big-screen adventure done for the small screen--and done in a way that makes most big-screen versions pale in comparison.
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San Francisco Chronicle Tim Goodman
Lost is a different genre, one that may infuriate even the loyalists, but there's something impressive and rewarding in its density.
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Philadelphia Daily News Ellen Gray
The decision to create a Season 6 exit strategy for Lost may turn out to be one of the best things ever to happen to a TV series, restoring a sense of purpose for the show, which had been treading water.
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Variety Brian Lowry
Lost nevertheless approaches its twists with what appears to be a greater degree of intellectual rigor than almost anything else on primetime.
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Kansas City Star Aaron Barnhart
When Lost returns Wednesday with a thoroughly entertaining two-hour barnburner, you will want to be there.
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Boston Globe Matthew Gilbert
The feverish action is as tantalizing as ever, and so is the script.
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Newark Star-Ledger Alan Sepinwall
I've seen both of tomorrow's episodes, as well as next week's, and I loved every minute. But I'm also a geek who read Ray Bradbury and Isaac Asimov growing up.
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Newsday Verne Gay
The season's premiere represents pig-in-the-python storytelling--there's so much to work through, so many details, stories, characters and time dimensions to attend to, that after a while this all starts to feel like a very full meal.
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Chicago Sun-Times Thomas Conner
As the fifth season opens this week, the time-travel training wheels are coming off--and the path thus far seems blissfully free of the usual stumbling blocks.
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New York Post Linda Stasi
So, two quantum physi cists walk into a bar and one says to the other, "It's 10 p.m. Do you know what time it is?" If you love that joke, or if you even understand that joke, have I got a fifth season for you.
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Los Angeles Times Robert Lloyd
You can either let this annoy you, or you can try to work out the meaning, or you can just enjoy the flow in a noncommittal way that does not preclude your being stimulated, shocked or held in suspense--like a fun-house ride. I am of the third disposition, and have also been of the first.
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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Rob Owen
The episode is a fast-moving two hours that answers enough questions to satisfy fans and raises still more questions in an effort to further the intrigue.
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New York Daily News David Hinckley
Lost returns Wednesday exactly the way fans like it: utterly, totally, completely incomprehensible to anyone who doesn't know the secret handshake. If you're a fan, however, or if you're willing to really study the one-hour crash catchup course that ABC is airing before the first two new episodes tonight, you'll be rewarded with richly intertwined and well-acted drama.
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PopMatters Daynah Burnett
Things chugged along on the island, even if its temporal hiccups were too often reduced to flip dialogue ("When are we?” was the annoying question du jour).
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What Our Users Said

Vote Now!The average user rating for this tv show is 8.2 (out of 10) based on 26 User Votes
Note: User votes are NOT included in the Metascore calculation.

Martin S gave it a7:
A good but confusing start, hope some questions are finally cleared up this season.

Stephen A gave it a9:
This season is starting out slow as far as content goes but since there is only one season left after this then I am sure LOST will deliver the goods. Or not.

holly f gave it a10:
I don't think I've ever given anything in my life a ten before Lost. This truly is the perfect show. I feel so entertained and enthralled by every episode. This is a show made by people who truly love what they are doing and love the stories they are creating. I don't see that in other shows that are boring and predictable compared to this one. I think everyone should appreciate Lost because they're will never be a show like it. They haven't introduced a serialised show that isn't borderline soap in the past couple years because Networks are playing it safe again. I am so so so so sick of watching shows that don't challenge or exite me or make me so so so gidy when the peices fall into place. That's another reason why Lost is so great. It's just like CSI in that you try and guess the mystery and once its solved for you, you feel so awed and amazed by its brilliance and originality. I love shows that demand I actually pay attention. And its not particularly high browed either. You just have to pay attention, which is a shame these days because people have such short attention spans. I will be so sad when Lost is over. I really will be. No other show has ever dared to do what it has done all the while being incredibly touching, riveting, entertaining, emotional and engaging. I hope it goes down in the history book as one of the best sci-fi dramas ever.

Quinn R. gave it a10:
This is the best acted, best written show on television. Much is made of some of the more mythological elements of the series and the show can at times get bogged down in the crazy sci/fi. But the reason the show works so well is that the writers and actors use these fantastical elements to heighten the development of the characters. There has never been a show with as many well rounded characters experiencing the full range of human emotion and emotional conflict. The writers are also not afraid to wait two or three seasons to pay off story suspense. It is a series made for a thoughtful and devoted audience and is unapologetic in this pursuit. There will always be crime procedurals for those who like trite and accessible self contained bow-wrapped television but Lost fills the void for a viewer who wants to be rewarded for commitment and who wants to enjoy the full exploration of character development.

J H gave it a10:
Even my most diligent attempts to forecast the resolution of the seemingly endless intertwining story arcs have yielded 0% success rate. That's what makes this show so fascinating. Sure, it has it's share of hokey moments, but compared to the production line drivel that pollutes TV, it's Citizen Kane. It is the best serial drama ever created. I dare you to deny it.

Cooper H gave it a10:
Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Keeps you thinking, and forever on your toes. Great acting, scripting, location, plotline, twists, editing.....I could go on and on. One of the best things to ever be on television.

Jim H gave it a9:
I like the way Cuse and Abrams admitted that they "could still screw this up." But by now, I'm not sure I would care because the show has delivered so many dazzling twists and dramatic whoppers. In my next life, I'm coming back in some parallel universe, as a TV producer, so I can create a show about plane crash survivors on a (nearly) deserted island that travels through time. Oh, yeah.

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