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This page was last updated on 22 May 2006

Promoting good race relations:
a guide for public authorities

Under the third strand of the statutory duty to promote race equality, public authorities in England, Scotland and Wales are required to 'promote good race relations'. But what exactly is good race relations, and what practical steps might a public authority take to work towards it?

This section of the website explains what is meant by good race relations, and gives examples of the types of activities that are likely to promote good race relations and help authorities to meet this part of the duty.

The specific duties provide a framework to ensure the better performance of the general race equality duty through developing and implementing race equality schemes (RESs), or race equality policies (REPs) in the case of schools or further and higher education institutions. Public authorities subject to the general duty must address all three parts of the race equality duty when developing their RESs and REPs.

This section builds on the guidance provided elsewhere in the race equality duty section of this website. It is primarily intended for use by public authorities in meeting their statutory duty to promote race equality under the Race Relations Act. However, since promoting good race relations requires effective action by all sectors in society, this guide also includes guidance prepared specifically for private and voluntary sector organisations.

We have produced a number of publications which provide further guidance on the general and specific duties. These are available from the Publications section of this website.

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Jigsaw made up of faces of people from different racial groups