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This page was last updated on 16 June 2005

Using the site's accessibility tools

Access keys

This website uses the UK government access keys system. To navigate using your keyboard, hold down the Alt key and press the relevant key from the following list. If you are using an Internet Explorer browser, you will then need to press Enter .

General access keys

 Access key  Action
 S  Skip navigation
 1  Home page
 2  News
 3  Site map
 4  Search
 5  Where can I find...?
 6  Help
 7  Complaints
 8  Terms and conditions
 9  Contact us
 0  Access keys

Access keys for jumping to individual sections within this site

 Access key  Action
 A  Home page
 B  About us
 C  News and media
 D  Policies and strategies
 E  The race equality duty
 F  Good practice
 G  Legal advice
 H  Publications
 I Research

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Display options

This site allows you to customise the appearance and navigation methods used by this site to suit your particular needs or preferences. 

Text-only pages

This option is accessed by clicking on the 'Text only' link under the main heading on each page.

The text-only option removes all graphical elements and formatting from the page. You may find this feature useful if you are using a browser which does not display graphics (such as Lynx or Mosaic), or you are accessing the site over a slow internet connection and prefer not to wait for the site's graphics and style sheet to download.

By default, the text only page is set to yellow text on a black background. You can, however, change these colours, as well as font styles and sizes, by clicking on the 'Change how these pages' look link at the top of the page.

Tip: Click on the 'Skip menu list' link at the top of the page to bypass the navigation menu and go straight to the main text of the page

Print this page

If you want to print out a page from this site, but don't want to print the coloured bars, backgrounds, menus and borders, click on the 'Print this page' link under the main navigation bar.

This option re-formats the page so that all graphical elements and menus are removed, places the text on a white background, and resets the left and right margins so that the printer can use the full width of each page. To improve readability, it also uses a serif font for the main text, and a sans-serif font for headings.

Resizing text and other accessibility options

Most popular browsers let you change the way individual websites look, for example, by increasing the size of the text, or switching off images.

You can also override the website's style sheet (which determines which fonts, text sizes, and colours are used, among many other things) and use your own preferred one instead.  

The example below shows how to change the font size setting in Internet Explorer:

1. On the browser menu bar, click on View with your mouse pointer.

2. Choose Text Size from the drop-down list.

3. You will now be able to choose from five font sizes: Largest, Large, Normal, Small and Smallest .

The Text Size function affects all the text on this website, including the navigation menus. 

Other browsers, such as Mozilla's Firefox and Apple's Safari, allow text to be resized in much the same way, although some allow you to specify the text size in percentages. For example, choosing a setting of 200% in Firefox causes all text to double in size. 

For more information on changing the settings on your browser, see:

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Jigsaw made up of faces of people from different racial groups