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Platform: Xbox 360
Release Date: 9/14/2008

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Rock Band 2

Rock Band 2

Reviewed by:
Gerasimos Manolatos

Price: $59.99

The Skinny: For those about to Rock Band 2...well...can we play, too?

The Good: It says something about the game's set list that Survivor's "Eye of the Tiger" is the first song you play. RB2 is stacked with music from the '70s all the way up to songs that haven't even been released yet (Guns N' Roses' "Shackler's Revenge"). And with a year of weekly downloadable content already in the can, Harmonix is promising to give gamers more than 500 songs to choose from by the end of the year. Those with fickle friends who like to switch the instruments on and off should be pleased to know that the World Tour mode is now adjustable, meaning you won't be locked into just playing drums or vocals.

The Bad: Owners of the original version may be left scratching their heads over why a whole new game was warranted. Nevertheless, you're getting more than 80 new songs and a few nifty band manipulation modes that'll keep you busy perfecting your rock face.

Band Together: A new Challenge Mode pits your motley crew against other bands across the globe for leaderboard supremacy. Better hope you don't run into the Fiff Purriod Boyz.

Buy It, Buy It, or Buy It? There's no chance you're missing out on this one. Go buy it, and then make sure to check out all of the other games that'll make you broke this fall.

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