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The shit house free word processor that comes with Windows. Like all things Microsoft, it is complete and utter shit and should be avoided like furries.



Notepad is so goddamn fucking fantastic! It has advanced functions like saving, loading, help topics (lol, srsly), and most importantly, quitting (which is the only useful feature). It also has a lulzy function called Time/Date in any case you would be too lazy to look at the bottom-right corner of your screen. Other groundbreaking features include one font at a time, no OLE, no formatting, no spell check, and a serious lack of pr0n. All of this adds up to lulz on Microsoft.


The advantages of Notepad are limited to two things. First it takes up so little RAM that you could run it on your mom's computer, which means you can keep it open alongside MSN, Photoshop, Half Life 2 and the apocalypse. Although Notepad doesn't have them fancy features like them city folks' word processors, it does have replace (Ctrl-H) which is useful for mindless repetitive tasks such as converting all the moves in list of sex moves to headings or dot points from whatever it currently is, or changing all links to your e-enemy's user page on a talk page to link to asshole.

The Code

The code for notepad can be likened to injecting yourself with shit - it is messy, disgusting and will sure as hell kill you.


If one opens notepad, which isn't too hard to do, and types in "Bush hid the facts" (w/out the quotes}, saves it (doesn't matter what the document name is), closes the program, and opens the document again, the sentence you typed will be gone. Depending on what version you have, it will either show as boxes " 畂桳栠摩琠敨映捡獴 " with Japanese characters installed or nothing at all. Suppose this means he hid the facts?

Naw. It's a bug. Type in any four word sentence with a 4 3 3 5 letter pattern, like "youa rea nni gger" in the words will do the same thing.

Notepad devotees

The only people who use notepad are those who either:

  1. Don't have the money to buy Word;
  2. Are too stupid to pirate Word; or
  3. Haven't figured out that Windows is bundled with a less shitty word processor, Word Pad.
  4. People who realize that Notepad is a text editor not a word processor and would rather not have a red squiggly line appear every time they type cout << "stfu noob";.
  5. People who like to actually have their code compile when they don't have an IDE available. (don't believe me? just try compiling code written in MS Word)

Some also say they may be developing Internet pages. This is of course a lie, spread around by Jews

If you use notepad, GTFO of my internets, n00b.

See Also
