Issues: Nuclear Energy, Waste & Weapons

All Documents in Nuclear Energy, Waste & Weapons Tagged treaties

U.S. Nuclear Weapons in Europe
Issue Paper
A review of post-Cold War policy, force levels, and war planning.
The Moscow Treaty
The documents in this index offer analyses from NRDC's nuclear progam of serious deficiencies in the "Moscow Treaty" -- the Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty signed by Presidents Bush and Putin in May 2002.
Tall Tales of the Test Ban Opposition
A reply to the September 1999 letter to Senator Lott from Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty opponents. By Christopher E. Paine, senior researcher in NRDC's nuclear program.
Facing Reality: Resuming Nuclear Test Explosions Would Harm U.S. and International Security
A January 1999 response to the Cato Institute's policy paper on the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty entitled "The Costs Outweigh the Benefits." By Christopher E. Paine, senior researcher in NRDC's nuclear program.

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