Issues: Nuclear Energy, Waste & Weapons

All Documents in Nuclear Energy, Waste & Weapons Tagged Bush administration

Peddling Plutonium
This March 2006 analysis from NRDC's nuclear program finds the Bush administration’s "vision" of a taxpayer-funded global enterprise to extract and recycle plutonium to be unaffordable, uneconomic, unrealistic, unreliable and unsafe.
Nuclear Insecurity: A Critique of the Bush Administration's Nuclear Weapons Policies
This September 2004 report assesses the Bush administration's nuclear weapons policies and concludes that they have made the United States more vulnerable, not more secure. The report finds that these policies undermine the U.S. effort to combat terrorism by diverting resources from the real threats of our time, squandering billions of dollars on Cold War–era weapons and new nuclear warheads, and perpetuating the arms race. The report offers recommendations for a more responsible nuclear policy, including: honoring the U.S. commitment to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, scrapping plans for nuclear bunker busters, and stopping the deployment of the unproven missile defense system.
The Bush Administration's Stockpile Reduction Plan: Too Many, Too Slow
The recent announcement by the Bush administration to significantly reduce the U.S. nuclear weapon stockpile is a welcome and positive step, but there are several caveats that warrant further discussion. An NRDC analysis of the proposal found it lacking for two main reasons: It will still leave approximately 6,000 nuclear weapons in the U.S. stockpile, and it will take eight years to accomplish.
Weaponeers of Waste: The Bush DOE's Nuclear Weapons Complex and Stockpile Stewardship
This April 2004 report from NRDC's nuclear program finds that the U.S. nuclear "stockpile stewardship" program is spending billions on nuclear weapons research and production projects that are over budget and years behind in meeting their goals. Despite the end of the Cold War, the Bush administration is spending 12 times more on nuclear weapons research and production than on nonproliferation efforts to retrieve, secure and dispose of nuclear weapons materials worldwide.

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Documents Tagged Bush administration in All Issue Sections

Deepest Cuts
Repairing Health Monitoring Programs Slashed Under the Bush Administration

Issue Paper
When it comes to protecting public health from dangerous contaminants, the Bush Administration has left a legacy of dismal failure. We rely on the government to monitor contaminants and hazardous residues to ensure that our food, water, air, communities, and consumer products are safe. For decades, federal agencies charged with safeguarding health and the environment have tracked pollution, required industry reporting, and monitored disease rates. These programs provide the foundation for all health and environmental protection. Without adequate monitoring, the public, the scientific community, and the government are unaware of the hazards around us. New NRDC research in this December 2008 issue paper shows that the Bush Administration has dangerously slashed federal environmental and health monitoring programs.
Rewriting the Rules (2005 Special Edition)
The Bush administration took nearly 150 actions to undermine environmental protections over the past year, consistent with its historic assault on the nation's environmental safeguards. This January 2005 NRDC report assesses the Bush presidency's first-term environmental policies, and previews battles expected during the administration's second term.
The Bush Administration's Nuclear Energy Research and Development Program
This index collects NRDC policy papers and analyses relating to the Bush administration's policies regarding nuclear-energy issues.
The Bush Administration's Nuclear Weapons Policies
This index collects NRDC policy papers and analyses relating to the Bush administration's policies regarding nuclear-weapons issues.

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