Last Thursday

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The last Thursday we heard about sucked balls.
The last Thursday we heard about sucked balls.

It is said that God created everything sometime Last Thursday; that He filled his construction with misleading evidence of antiquity, and implanted false memories into the minds of humanity. Under this hypothesis, all that we know of existence and history is a lie, and all evidence that may suggest otherwise is wrong, since God planted it specifically for the purpose of deceit.

Belief in Last Thursdayism necessitates the belief that God is a petty sort of prankster who derives pleasure from messing with the heads of his creations, much like a troll. Given the way He is portrayed in the Old Testament, however, this is perhaps not such a stretch of the imagination. When asked why he would do such a thing, God would only reply, "I did it for the lulz".

Evolutionists often claim that the arguments put forth by creationists are often only one step away from being as patently ridiculous as Last Thursdayism, insofar as Last Thursdayism can never be proven correct or incorrect, and must be taken solely on faith. Creationists tend to get all flustered when this happens.

"Last Thursday" also represents a measure of time, being the long-term memory of popular culture generally and sixteen year old girls in particular, since both seem to have trouble recalling anything that happened before last Thursday. As a span of time, last Thursday lies somewhere (somewhen?) between a hundred years ago and the present, and is always followed by last Friday.

It is widely accepted that anything that did not take place this week took place Last Thursday. That is unless this event took place back in the day, which is of course a Wednesday, if you believe in Dane Cook's incoherent ramblings.


Other theories

Some speculate that there was no "God" based on today's views, but rather the one true God was known as Bobar the Blue Dragon. Others say it was in fact Queen Maeve the Housecat.

There has been a new faction calling themselves the Last Wednesdayists. Do not trust them.


Based on a philosophy known as Omphalos (navel, in Greek), it was a mock religion to parody it. More recently, a group appeared on USENET, and is based on it.

Last Tuesdayism

Unlike Last Thursdayism, which claims that the world was created last Thursday, last Tuesdayism has the obvious change that this happened last Tuesday. The major difference is that this happens EVERY Tuesday, every time the world is destroyed.

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