Video: Mercury Prize Performances

Video: Mercury Prize Performances In case you missed it, the most prestigious music award in all of England and Ireland-- the Nationwide Mercury Prize-- just went to four unassuming Sheffield lads with the wtf name Arctic Monkeys.

While the Arctics did not perform at the Prize's posh gala Tuesday night, several other contenders did, including Thom Yorke, Guillemots, and Editors. Now, thanks to the magic of YouTube, folks an ocean over (and across the globe) have the chance to scope these los-- er, non-winners in action.

Yorke casts quite the spell with a haunting rendition of "Analyse", which somehow makes the massive award ceremony venue seem claustrophobic and desolate. Check that lovely death glare he gives the audience, too-- classic. Guillemots' Fyfe Dangerfield, meanwhile, hams it up with mad hatter attire and a pretty slick if slightly overblown performance of rollicking single "Trains to Brazil". Editors play it straight and kinda dull, dialing in "All Sparks".

And, for kicks, check out those mangy Monkeys, reluctantly chatting up their victory at a press conference.

Posted by Matthew Solarski on Fri, Sep 8, 2006 at 7:00am