Speed demos archive

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SDA (Speed demos archive) is an extremely shitty site with an even shittier layout that hosts so-called "skill based" (read: flukey) video game runs. The videos are played on their original console and the administrator requests a recording of the nerd (OH NOES!) playing the game with his shit-stained hands to ensure that the bastard didn't cheat.


[edit] Contributors and members

Most of the speedrun contributors to SDA are sexless geeks who suck both at life and video games, but have figured a way to gain a false title on the internet as a LEETMASTER OF [insert game title here] The players themselves are commonly misinterpreted by the public as having "skills" at a game. But the truth is: most of the speedruns were the result of replaying the game hundreds of times before submission, meaning that the final product is a fluke and not based on any actual skills. The actual, typical outcome of an SDA member playing a game would be far below average.

In July 2008 a newcomer designed a new site for SDA and parsed the entire website into a database. However, due to personal grudges on the part of admins, the entire project was destroyed and the user banned. This alternate site now exists on a secondary domain: speeddemosarchive.info.

[edit] Speedruns

The speedruns themselves are a rough demonstration of the fastest humanly possible way to beat the game. But the visual result is completely fucking lame and bears little to no difference from tool-assisted speedruns except the fact that the contributor didn't waste a couple hours of his life saving and reloading states to produce a "perfect speedrun" but instead wasted months of his worthless life reloading from the beginning each time he fucked up.

Either way, the results are the same: extremely lame-looking and style-lacking worthless videos consisting of the player purposely bumping into enemies or committing suicide to "save time" and doing anything but creatively exploring the game, taking on a variety of challenges and beating the game in style.

[edit] Format

The videos are then hosted on the site as multimedia format videos, officially making SDA the #1 most useless fucking site to waste gigabytes of bandwidth on in order to see incredibly lame videos of geeks playing video games.

[edit] External Links

Image:Gamecontroller.gif Speed demos archive is part of a series on Gaming.

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