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This is the comic for which the series is named.
This is the comic for which the series is named.

Explosm is a website that features a daily webcomic named Cyanide & Happiness. The comic is the epitome of unfunny. All of the characters look the same. The comic causes much butthurt across the internet, but if you complain about it on the forums, you'll be ignored.

Cyanide & Happiness began when sixteen-year-old Kris Wilson was at home suffering from Streptococcal sore throat. To entertain himself, he drew comics on paper and scanned them to his computer. Feeling unnecessarily proud of his creations, he built a website called Comicazi. Later, he showcased his comics on StickSuicide's forum. The webmasters of this forum saw potential in his comics and sucked his dick to the point that they had to create a new website, Explosm.


The Writers

  • Kris Wilson - The brains behind C&H.
  • Robert DenBleyker - One of the original administrators of StickSuicide. He has submitted, by far, the most comics.
  • Matthew Melvin - One of the original administrators of StickSuicide. He has submitted the least comics. His characters look like skinny potatoes with arms and legs. His women look just like his men, except with ponytails. His comics are, by far, the least original. He is known for his, "AIDS jokes".
  • David McElfatrick - One of the original administrators of StickSuicide. His characters look like droopier versions of Kris's.


Ironically, this is how the writers of C&H get their ideas.
Ironically, this is how the writers of C&H get their ideas.
The opening comic of Depressing Comic Week 2.
The opening comic of Depressing Comic Week 2.

The themes of Cyanide & Happiness usually consist of the following:

Twice now, Explosm held an entire week of depressing comics which were intended to offend people.


Most of the characters look exactly the same, but there are some recurring characters.

  • Seizure Man - One of the numerous superheroes in C&H. He enters epileptic seizures constantly.
  • The Purple-Shirted Eye Stabber - The name pretty much explains it all. He wears a purple shirt and stabs people in the eye.
  • Super-Jerk - Another superhero. He uses his super powers to piss people off.
  • Trelaf The Wise - He sits on his throne all day and gives people advice.
  • Obese Maurice - A fat fucking douchebag who complains about being discriminated against.
  • Charles - Some douchebag who treats his girlfriend like shit.
  • Jesus - Self-explanatory. He is often portrayed as a zombie for Easter.


Typical C&H reader.
Typical C&H reader.

Every webcomic, no matter how unfunny or unoriginal, has its fans (with the exception of The Homeschool Schoolers).

Cyanide & Happiness is enjoyed by 90% of all newfags and 13-year-old boys. It is not uncommon to see comic strips in people's signatures on internet forums. If you frequent an internet forum and discover a Cyanide & Happiness comic strip in someone's signature, proceed to flaming the living shit out of that person until either you've been permabanned or the comic strip has been removed from the signature.

Cyanide & Happiness comic strips sometimes appear in /b/ if the comic was particularly offensive; such as the comic featuring a man beating his son to a bloody pulp.

See Also

External Links

Explosm is part of a series on Webcomics.

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