
German Hyperdictionary>>  Click to open

German Hyperdictionary
Summary: This form takes German text as input, looking up each word with the local German-English dictionary and displaying the definition in a pop-up window when the mouse hovers over the word. Its purpose is to help students of German read text.

The interactive hyperlinked dictionary is written in HTML with interpreted in-line Perl, javascript, and a Perl-script backend called hyperdict. The Perl script, hyperdict, is a command-line script that builds a vocabulary list for each word from text or html. The German Hyperdictionary provides quick definitions of German words by moving the mouse over the word of interest.

For an example of how it works click here.

This program is currently in beta testing. Occasionally the search algorithm returns unusual definitions and unlike the dictionary, the search algorithm hashes an entire dictionary before creating the output and is thus rather slow.

German Hyperdictionary

Hover your pointer over a word to see its definition.

$Id: hyperdict,v 2.2 2003/09/14 19:42:14 forman Exp forman $
$Id: hyperdict.html,v 1.2 2003/09/14 19:41:24 forman Exp forman $

Copyright © 2008 Michael Forman