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IEEE LaTeX Source Code>>  Click to open

LaTeX is a document preparation system, which provides the general public with the means of generating professional-quality typeset documents. It is not a word processor but rather a compiler. All documents available on this site have been compiled using pdfLaTeX, a variant of LaTeX, which generates PDF output.

Because of my long history with LaTeX and my fortune of working with creative writers, programmers, and engineers, I have well-developed resources for generating and compiling LaTeX. I'm happy to share these resources with you, provided that you are a Unix user (including MacOS X) and are comfortable with a "Makefile".

Thesis LaTeX Source Code

Filename Description Size
thesis-LaTeX-template.tar.gz University of Colorado LaTeX thesis source code 1021102
IEEE-MTT.tar.gz IEEE MTT LaTeX paper source code 2701952
CV-LaTeX-template.tar.gz Curriculum vitae LaTeX source code 18491
File contents of the University of Colorado LaTeX source-code archive:
0-preface.tex    4-ka-meas.tex    8-future.tex    README    thesis.tex
1-intro.tex      5-tr-prev.tex    9-appendix.tex  bin/      tmp/
2-ka-prev.tex    6-tr-design.tex  Makefile        figures/
3-ka-design.tex  7-tr-meas.tex    RCS/            lib/
Start by reading the "README" file and finish by reading the "Makefile". In summary, the LaTeX files are kept in the root directory and the figures in the "figures" directory. The "Makefile" copies all files to the "tmp" directory and performs the build of the PDF file there. Upon completion, the PDF file is linked to the root directory.

The use of a "Makefile" with LaTeX emerged from discussions at UnixOps at the University of Colorado in 1992, while I was a systems administrator simultaneously working on documentation for a senior project. It makes perfect sense, of course, once you realize that LaTeX is a compiler. Since then I've met only one other maintainer of a LaTeX distribution that takes advantage of a Makefile just recently at Sandia.

Copyright © 2008 Michael Forman