Individuals of many cultures, nationalities, religions, and beliefs are actively involved with Initiatives of Change. These commentaries represent the views of the writer and not necessarily those of Initiatives of Change as a whole. If you would like to contribute a commentary, please email us. We welcome feedback that contributes to the stated aim of this website which is to build relationships of trust across the world's divides. The editors reserve the right to refuse contributions that use intemperate language or vilify others and which do not in our view encourage productive dialogue.

Ours is a country long familiar with bush fires. But Saturday 7 February 2009 was by far the worst in Australia’s history. With a death toll of at least 181, and still burning out of control, it already eclipses the nations' previous deadliest fires – 1983's ‘Ash Wednesday’(75 dead) and 1939's ‘Black Friday’(71 dead), and has been described as Australia’s worst natural disaster.

The recent war in Gaza has stirred up the minds and souls of many people. What is happening there, why is it happening, and why isn’t there a solution yet? I wonder: have we despaired of reaching in Palestine - Israel a just and lasting peace?

Ramez Salamé

The World Economic Forum in Davos, that annual gathering of the world’s deciders in the little Swiss mountain resort, has just come to an end. There were smaller jets, fewer helicopters, less champagne and caviar. Considerably more humility, and less certainty. The only certainty that the experts can now predict is uncertainty!

Andrew Stallybrass

President Barak Obama referred in his inaugural address to the necessary trust between government and the people. The issue of trust—in human relationships and in the global economy—has become central to the way the world should work. Powerful voices are saying so.

Mike Smith

We Europeans need to understand the grievances and feel the humiliation that Arabs experience. And to recognise that we have caused much of it.

John Munro

It is all music, dance, pomp and colours in Africa as we celebrate the victory of the first black American president in the history of USA. You have proved that Africans can make it. That black people are worthy of respect and dignity.

Ann Njeri

‘Religious belief will continue to be an important component of our shared British identity as it evolves and British society can and does draw strength from its diverse faith communities,’ Gordon Brown believes.

Michael Henderson

Splits and divisions – like divorce – are not always avoidable. Sometimes they may represent the best available option. But it is also true that, with the application of enough love and its hand-maiden humility, many breakaways could be avoided.

Paul Williams

The usual question we ask ourselves in a crisis is, ‘Who is to blame?’ In one sense most of us are, in that we got it wrong. Very few of us saw it coming. So no one can crow and say, ‘I told you so’.

Hugh Williams

‘We need a new form of moral capitalism,’ says corporate philosopher Roger Steare.

Mike Smith