Training Life Matters feature image

Life Matters

Life Matters is a nine day course for young adults, held annually in Melbourne, Australia, and usually conducted during university holidays. The course aims

  • to develop skills and character strengths for those who want a part in changing today's society
  • to expand our world view and our ability to respond to people and situations that are different
  • to help each person discover their own distinctive purpose
  • This Course provides a chance to look at where we are at in our own lives and how to develop new skills for living. The varied programme includes panel discussions and personal reflection, workshops and music, outdoor activities and mixing with people from many walks of life. It offers skills development in:

  • Active listening - to others and to the inner voice, for meaning and direction
  • Making conflict resolution and reconciliation practical
  • Problem solving through moral change and spiritual empowerment
  • Creative community building and teamwork
  • Getting to the root of some national issues

The course is based at Armagh, the Australia/Pacific Centre of Initiatives of Change.

For more information click here.