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Conceived as the title for an international symposium in 1996, Agenda for Reconciliation (AfR) has grown into a global network active in conflict prevention and reconciliation. Its annual conferences at Caux, in Switzerland, offer participants coming from situations of tension and conflict a safe space and the opportunity to learn from one another. AfR’s work and its conferences are based on the assertion that:

  • Healing the past must become the common practice of the 21st Century.
  • Forgiveness and Reconciliation, along with a search for more just solutions, form the basis of sustainable peace.
  • The causes of conflict such as corruption, poverty, disease and oppression need to be addressed in a comprehensive human security approach.

Mohamed Sahnoun, former Special Advisor to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, initiated the Caux Forum for Human Security to find a preventive strategy that could tackle the root causes of insecurity and save millions of lives. This will require unprecedented trust and collaboration among all nations and actors. The Caux Forum for Human Security seeks this trust and collaboration.