The Caux Round Table (CRT) is an international network of principled business leaders working to promote a moral capitalism.

The CRT advocates implementation of the CRT Principles for Business through which principled capitalism can flourish and sustainable and socially responsible prosperity can become the foundation for a fair, free and transparent global society.

At the company level, the Caux Round Table advocates implementation of the CRT Principles for Business as the cornerstone of principled business leadership. The CRT Principles apply fundamental ethical norms to business decision-making. A specially designed process for incorporating the CRT Principles into the culture of a corporation is available for companies to use. Ethical training for corporate boards of directors and new ethics curriculum for business schools are being developed.

To promote better outcomes for globalization, the Caux Round Table is working to raise the level of awareness of senior business leaders, thought leaders and elite opinion around the world about new opportunities to attack global poverty. These include legal and regulatory changes in developing countries that will improve the environment for productive investment of foreign and domestic equity capital. The Caux Round Table is working in alliance with global business leaders, international institutions and policy makers to improve investment environments in selected developing countries by also suggesting certain Principles for Governments and the adoption of the 12 core "best practice" standards for transparent management of national financial institutions.

For more information see the Caux Round Table website