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Following a series of four women's Peace Circles in Kenya (October 2007 and May 2008) a group of 23 women took part in the first Peace Circles re-union at the St Mary's Pastoral Centre in Nakuru on 17th August. Peace Circles are part of the Creators of Peace programme of Initiatives of Change. They involve small local groups working through material specially designed to deepen friendships and understanding of each other and of their peace-building capabilities. The reunion brought together graduates from the workshops to talk about the impact of Peace Circles upon their lives and to discuss new ideas.

A six week Creators of Peace Circle has just been held in Adelaide

At our Peace Circle in Oxford (31 October to 5 December 2007) we were a group who had come together through a chain of links and friendships. We were all interested in peace, on many different levels. Between us we covered a wide range of backgrounds, ages and experience.

The first of the two Creators of Peace workshops ended yesterday, the 13th May 2008. Eleven women from around Kenya, from various professions (Ngo sector, women’s organizations…) attended the three day session.

‘Peace circles’ where quiet conversations influence, educate and inform women’s judgment as they mother the next generation and the birth a new nation.

Part one - South Africa - a personal reflection by Tehmina Siganporia, International Coordinator of CoP

A personal reflection by Tehmina Siganporia, International Coordinator of CoP

‘Peace Circles is one of the wonderful things I want to take home with me from Australia…’

Bridges of trust are being built between women of different faiths and ethnic backgrounds in a nation undergoing political upheaval.

This endorsement comes from Dr Stella Cornelius, Co-director of the Conflict Resolution Network, specialist mediator and conflict analyst, and life-time activist for Peace.