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Peace is more than the absence of war. It signifies a depth of relationships, enabling the inevitable points of difference to be handled with mutual respect and grace. Peace, in its truest sense, is built on relationships of trust.

The same can be said for inner peace: A person at peace with herself is a person who knows herself in all her aspects – even the sides she might have wished were not there – and yet trusts herself to act with integrity.

Initiatives of Change programmes aim to build peace by building relationships of trust rooted in the quest for personal integrity. The searchlight is always shone inward first. Rather than simply blaming the "other", the questions are asked: "What do I do (or what have I done), that contribute to the problems in our relationship? And, since each of us represents a larger whole: "What do my people do (or what have we done), that contribute to the problems?" As these questions are faced openly, with honesty, humility and grace; trust is built. And with trust, comes the possibility of peace.

IofC trust building programmes include:

  • Agenda for Reconciliation – A global network active in conflict prevention and reconciliation. AfR offers people from situations of tension and conflict a safe space to come together and the opportunity to learn from one another.
  • Creators of Peace – An initiative from women in Africa, this informal network of men and women committed to peace-making now spans five continents and works through conferences, peace circles and community action.
  • Hope in the Cities – Bringing communities together to address the issues of racial healing. Launched in Virginia, USA, the program now has partners in Europe, South America and Australia.
  • Education for Peace – Teaching school children how to manage conflict constructively and without violence.
  • Great Lakes Project – working for peace in the African Great Lakes region. Preparing hearts and minds and bringing people together so that peace agreements can be signed and implemented.
  • Hope Sierra Leone – Sierra Leoneans working to free their country from the ravages of war, corruption and poverty.