A Muslim imam and a Christian pastor: former enemies, now internationally renowned peacemakers. Two Nigerians have been taking their message of hope around the world. Mike Lowe reports.

From Nagaland to Melbourne. From facing tigers in the jungle to Aboriginal smoking ceremonies, by way of the Refugee Healing Trail. Mike Lowe talks to Visier and Pari Sanyü.

People Building  Trust

In suburban Paris, residents are learning to engage in dialogue to address the split developing between the West and the Muslim world. Frédéric and Nathalie Chavanne report

Cambodians and Vietnamese

Vietnam and Cambodia have a history of conflict over centuries. Peter Heyes recounts what some young people are doing to make it stop with their generation

Peace Circle participants in Sydney

From Sudan to Sydney, women are addressing the underlying issues of division and dysfunction in families and communities. Jean Brown, an international coordinator of Creators of Peace International, writes:

Rob Corcoran and Audrey Burton

An unassuming man, softly spoken with an accent that betrays his Scottish origins, Rob Corcoran is National Director of Initiatives of Change, USA. He talks with Mike Lowe.

Sushobha Barve

A people’s ‘peace constituency’ has grown in India, Pakistan and Kashmir, nudging governments to move. Mike Brown meets Sushobha Barve who is part of it.

Kebba Secka

'We can work it out' sang the Beatles - which expresses the way Norway's Muslim leaders have avoided potential clashes. At Caux, the Initiatives of Change conference centre in Switzerland, Mike Lowe talks with Kebba Secka, President of Norway's Islamic Movement.

Walkerswood Caribbean Foods

Michael Smith visits a community in rural Jamaica where a remarkable partnership has generated
jobs, dignity and development.

Miss Sakaki with Kiyoshi Nagano

While Japan's Prime Minister Abe wrestles with improving relations in East Asia, Geoffrey Craig meets an 88 year-old Japanese who has made 80 visits to China.