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Visionary communications inspire new possibilities

Hope is a key to constructive change. When we see challenging situations and relationships in the world around us change for the better, new hope is born. Our sense of what is possible grows, and inner resources are liberated. Hope is oxygen for the soul!

Powerful stories change the world

Ivan Illich, a great South American advocate of the poor, was once asked what was the most powerful way to change a society: was it by violent revolution or by education and democratic reform? He replied that it was neither: Instead you must “tell a new and powerful tale, one so persuasive that it sweeps away the old myths and becomes the preferred story.” In many parts of the world it is vital to offer a new vision of hope to counter the vicious circles of despair, fear, anger and violence. It is vital to move beyond stories of victimisation to stories of empowerment; to move beyond stories of 'them' and 'us' to stories of inclusion. That’s why all our communications aim to convey hope and frequently challenge conventional notions about what is possible in the areas of individual and social transformation, cross-cultural relationships and reconciliation. Story-telling is used extensively to convey both ideas and deep life experiences.

Tools for Change

In this section you will find tools which we hope will further assist you in your continuing commitment to ‘be the change you want to see.’ You will find a selection of books and videos for personal and group use. You can subscribe to a free email which keeps you up to date with the commentaries, news and other items on this website. There is also a list of useful links to IofC-related websites.