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Originally posted: February 25, 2009

Bears are too 'close' to going south than winning the North for my comfort

It's Wednesday, and I have all the answers ...

Lovie Smith says the Bears need a solid no. 2 receiver to step up behind Devin Hester, which indicates he believes Hester is a No. 1 receiver, which is further proof that the Bears coach remains credibility-challenged.

This is the same guy, mind you, who told us Mark Bradley was his No. 1 receiver last year around this time. Give Smith this: He did it with a straight face.

This is also the same coach who famously told us the Bears are "close," no matter that he guided his team to a second straight playoff miss.

"Close" to what? "Close" to making the playoffs? "Close" to collapse? "Close" to having a clue? "Close" to having Second City build a show around some of the things the Bears coach says?

Whatever, it's clear nobody is going to pull public honesty out of Smith short of an exorcism which means fixing the roster has to be easier. But as free agency opens Thursday night, coming the week after the combine and two months before the draft, the question Missy Isaacson blogged about was which one could help this team more this year.

She ran it by Hub Arkush, football guru and no longer delicate in his analysis since becoming a deposed Bears announcer, which is what you need, seeing as how truth is fluid at Halas Hall, if you can find it at all sometimes.

Bottom line for Hub as the Bears enter the Home Shopping Network season: "They have needs everywhere on offense but tight end and everywhere on defense but linebacker."

Now, if I wrote that, I'd get a bunch of comments about how negative I am, how I hate the Bears, how I must've been bottle-fed as a baby, stuff like that. For the record, I don't hate the Bears; I hate the bad Bears, and that's what they are right now.

But anyway, Hub has more cred than the Bears coach in a lot of ways, frankly, and his description makes it sound as if the Bears are "close" to getting worse before they get better. He outlines the normal gospel that says the draft is where you build your team, while free agency is the whipped cream and nuts and hot fudge (mmmmm, hot fudge).

Which might work in normal NFL places, but the Bears aren't normal, and here's why: You can't trust general manager Jerry Angelo to draft offense. Well, he can draft it, but not well, and even if he can draft offense well at times, Smith's staff can't do much with some of that talent.

Greg Olsen and Matt Forte count as draft wins, and that's really it. Kyle Orton, Rex Grossman, Cedric Benson and the two guys from Vanderbilt taken in the first three rounds of last year's draft are losses, if not complete disasters (and Lord help everybody if the Bengals coach Benson to 1,800 yards).

But in cherry-picking offensive players coached up by other teams, Angelo wins with Thomas Jones, Ruben Brown, John Tait, Desmond Clark, Roberto Garza and, if only for a short time, Muhsin Muhammad.

So, here's the way it needs to work: Angelo's Bears need to fill offensive holes in free agency and/or trades, while filling defensive areas in the draft.

in Cedric Benson, Chicago Bears, Devin Hester, Greg Olsen, Jerry Angelo, Kyle Orton, Lovie Smith, Mark Bradley, Matt Forte, Rex Grossman, Thomas Jones | Permalink


In order for Cedric Benson to gain 1,800 yards, he would need upwards of 1,400 carries...in game situations where the other team held an insurmountable lead and was playing pass prevent with fourth stringers...and he is a Bengal-for-now...hey maybe it could happen!
The Bears need effective linemen as proven by Jim Finks. Once they fix their pass protection/run production and their own pass rush, everything else will fall into place no matter who's coaching even if he brings pizzas to the place!
Big Boob

Posted by: Big Boob | Feb 25, 2009 11:50:18 AM

For once, I totally agree with you. Angelo for whatever reason can't draft offense but he has a track record of good to great picks on defense so if he can get some pieces for the offense, especially the o-line in free agency and then use most if not all the draft picks on defense, I think we will be ok.

Posted by: Scott | Feb 25, 2009 12:44:03 PM

How do you write off the last years draft class after the first year? According to this theory, Curtis Enis and Rashaan Salaam were successes.

Posted by: Bill | Feb 25, 2009 12:57:35 PM

Amen Rosie, Amen!

Posted by: Bill Prestanski | Feb 25, 2009 1:18:49 PM

you are mostly right on with this rant rosey, but you at least have to give a last years draft pics more of an audition than one year. in the nfl you gotta give draft a few years before calling it a disaster.

Posted by: ashe | Feb 25, 2009 1:22:58 PM


Posted by: victor M. | Feb 25, 2009 1:26:46 PM

All that said Rosie, Angelo has already said that his efforts in free agency last year to get a receiver failed, so no need to try that again. Yeah, because Marty Booker and Brandon Lloyd are almost like going after Nate Washington, Housh or Boldin. That statement alone showed me that Angelo has no clue what the heck he's doing when it comes to this team ... then again, why hand Ron Turner the keys to an offensive juggernaut when he and Pep Hamilton will suck the wind out of it in no time.

Posted by: G.O.B. | Feb 25, 2009 1:30:33 PM

What the Bears need is Blago. He's looking for work, and I'm sure the Bears have a nice benefits package. He can fill two roles actually. He knows how to buy and sell. And if the Bears don't win the Superbowl, he'll have no problem in front of the cameras telling us with a straight face "The Bears just won the flipping Superbowl!!!"

Posted by: Scott | Feb 25, 2009 1:45:46 PM

Analysis of the problem is good, but I don't think you can neatly divide the strategy into defense-draft and offense-free agency. It depends more on who is available by what means, and of course, the budget.

But what is really interesting is the highlighting of the inherent reporting conflicts of media people who are dependent on the good graces of organizations they must report on. Despite the integrity of the reporter, they risk getting shut out. That's why many stories about why and how decisions were made don't comed out for years. Example: The Ron Rivera replacement.

Posted by: Russ Novak | Feb 25, 2009 1:51:48 PM

Alright Rosie, this has to be one of the only well thought out articles I've ever read of yours. While your articles are always amusing, and spark, some kind of reaction from me, I will say that your analysis of the Bears drafting defense, and working at the free agent market for offense does have some credence.

Posted by: Jason | Feb 25, 2009 1:56:19 PM

Rosie, I know you thrive on negativity and jump on the first chance to express it about any Chicago sports situation, and most of the time, I agree with you. I also agree that Jerry Angelo has not proven to be a sound evaluator of offensive talent. However, don't you think it's a bit early to count Chris Williams and Earl Bennett as "losses?" Both were basically redshirted as rookies, and while Bennett's inability to climb the WR depth chart despite the pathetic state it was/is in doesn't inspire a lot of confidence, it doesn't preclude him from yet developing into a quality receiver. If he can't leapfrog Rashied Davis with a whole, healthy offseason and training camp, then I'll concede to you on this one. As for Williams, why don't we see how he does, assuming his back is now healthy, before we declare him a total loss too, hmm? In any event, it's unfair to issue a verdict on most any player, good or bad, after only his rookie season.

Posted by: Dave M. | Feb 25, 2009 1:57:56 PM

i don't believe d. hester is ever going to be a #1 receiver.

Posted by: just another bozo | Feb 25, 2009 2:09:26 PM

"Bears are 'close' to going south than winning the North"

I don't mean to correct anyone who writes for the tribune, but come on.... Bears are 'closer' to going south than winning the north

Posted by: Andrew Felbinger | Feb 25, 2009 2:53:28 PM

I would call Kyle Orton a draft win, remember? he was picked in the 4th round. Cut him some slack, he wasn't drafted to be great. If you can get Orton's production out of the 4th round it's a good thing. Should he be starting? No. But that's not Angelo's draft choice it's his decision to not get anyone else.

Posted by: Tyler | Feb 25, 2009 2:55:38 PM

Who ever the Bears draft or sign as free agents will not help this hopless team, They needs are many but their drafting successes are puny. How did the the big guard draft pan out last year? Pathetic the way they ran this team into the ground with terrible draft choices and worse free agent signings? Has any stud free agent sign witin recent memeory becuuse of lovie? Didnt think so!!! Devin Hester will never not ever be a number one receiver and heaven help the #2 receiver, wasnt that supposed to be Marty Booker and look how that improved the woebegone offense, There is no or little hope for the Bears as long as the 3 dumb men (angelo, lovie and turner) run the show.

Posted by: jim | Feb 25, 2009 3:01:59 PM

I don't agree with your assessment of recent offensive draft choice, Rosie. It's too soon to call Chris Williams and Earl Bennett "losses." I agree with you that you can't call them "wins," either, but it's supposed to take a little time for rookies to make hay in the NFL--especially WRs taken in the third round.

And you cannot call Kyle Orton a loss. He is in the middle of the pack for starting QBs with potential to improve, and that is a win given that Angelo drafted him in the 4th round.

Posted by: Iceman | Feb 25, 2009 3:02:01 PM

kyle orton was a fourth round pick and how is he a loss if the didnt develop him like they should of and the team played better with him. he made bad throws and couldnt throw a good deep ball but ive never seen the bears try to develop him properly and i didnt see this organization get him a number 1 receiver or any receiver. cedric benson was terrible with the bears but beating him up in camp basically didnt help any and i thought they drafted him to run inbetween the tackles instead they gave him a crappy oline and tried throwing to him. Muhsin Muhammad was a bigger bust he didnt catch balls thrown to him by kyle orton and he threw him under the buss his last year as a bear. did you see earl bennet on the field last year? why wasnt he even on punt returns when he showed he can do it in preseason but they would put vasher back there i no he had a 108 yard return in 85 they had a probowl defense back that ended his career on punt returns. they need a number 1 receiver to go with hester. so when they get a number 1 receiver and a good oline kyle would do something but saying they dont trust him when he does his job with out giving as many oppurtunities as rex grossman shows your organization cant devolop a quarterback. nobody ever wants to blame ron turner for throwing on first down running on 2nd down and running rediculus routes when your oline cant block that long. wouldnt you think there is a reason the players cant do much with the bears coaches. we are lucky that we have forte and he can cut back before the oline makes holes. but calling kyle orton a loss of a pick how many qbs come from the 4-7 rounds in the draft next to tom brady that are good

Posted by: kevin | Feb 25, 2009 3:07:50 PM

U were bottle fed as a baby Rosendork, but I must agree with you the honesty seeping out of Halas Hall would make the R. Kelly verdict look like truth. The Bears are close to being very bad, but the mediocrity in the division is whats saving this Bears faculty. All the teams have weaknesses at major positions. That being said I wouldnt mind having Derrick Brooks, who was just released, Fred Taylor or TJ Who's your momma! Angelo---DO SOMETHING!

Posted by: Reggie | Feb 25, 2009 3:16:59 PM

Why do you have a job and I dont. Make real points please.

Posted by: Mike | Feb 25, 2009 3:39:59 PM

"For the record, I don't hate the Bears; I hate the bad Bears, and that's what they are right now"......that is borderline bandwagon fan......but anyway it's true Angelo cannot draft to well (exception Forte, Olsen, correcct me if I'm wrong, but on Defense didn't he draft Briggs...I dunno) but before anyone says it's all Lovie's fault....Angelo is about a cheap as they come................By the way I don't know if I would call the Bears bad.....a supposed less than .500 team this past year that exceeded expectations by going 9-7.....do the math........

Posted by: Tony | Feb 25, 2009 4:15:28 PM

I don't know if I would call Orton a loss yet.........

Posted by: Tim | Feb 25, 2009 4:17:07 PM

As a Bears fan I hate to say this but the bears need to rebuild,, trade away briggs tillman urlacher harris and get some young lineman and draft picks and start over,, They are so middleaged and lack any real talent to compete

Posted by: sean | Feb 25, 2009 4:37:34 PM

I like how self-proclaimed experts say a team is bad before the team has a chance to help itself. I know it's your job Rosey, but cut them some slack before dumping on JA and Lovie. Also, you can't evaluate a draft until at least year 2 or 3. Barring more injuries Williams will prove to be a "bookend" tackle, and Bennett may still become a steady WR. Tell me how many receivers make an impact their first year? Probably like 10% of them. I haven't been huge fans of JA LS lately, but certainly they're the best the Bears have had in almost thirty years. 40 wins in four years is pretty darn good, considering the franchise was complete garbage when JA took over in '01.

Posted by: prophet | Feb 25, 2009 4:39:42 PM

Angelo is a bum....the whole organization is horrific at best. angelo keep saying we need a QB.....with the recievers we got Tom Brady would be a subpar QB. This is a generation where you need playmakers, period! Orton is a good QB and at best above average QB with some weapons around him. I agree go with the best player at 18, but in the second and fourth rounds you got to get some playmakers. This is a make or break season for the Bears and if they don't make the playoffs, forget Lovie head going first, make it a twin killing and get rid of Angelo as well.......gave up on Mark Bradley too soon....he was better than any reciever we had last season, Angelo is a terrible evaluater of talent, hell the whole organization is...look at the past drafts!

Posted by: Tommy Griffin | Feb 25, 2009 4:58:04 PM

Reggie, derrick brooks is like 36 years old, and he's a linebacker. we don't need him. spend the money else where, but spend the money nonetheless! Don't need Taylor either. got too many backs as it is. Kevin Jones, A.P. garrett wolf. Spend the money elsewhere... but for the love of God, spend the money. 30 mil under cap! and no, we aren't close to anything but another embarrassing season if we don't make some moves. need cornerback, safety, wr, ol, dl,...oh ya, head coach and gm.

Posted by: liquid | Feb 25, 2009 4:59:50 PM

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They tell me I have to write this bio thing to go along with my blog. Not sure you care, but the bosses apparently do, so here you go:

I've covered sports for more than 30 years in print, on radio and now in cyberspace. In that time, I've smoked cigars with Michael Jordan, Mike Ditka and Red Auerbach, I've been thrown on a table by NHL all-time bad boy Dave "Tiger'' Williams, I've covered the Super Bowl, NBA Finals and Stanley Cup Finals, I've had former Bears lineman Stan Thomas act like he was going to squeeze my head like a zit, I've interviewed Roger Clemens, Hank Aaron and Donald Trump, I've been cursed at by Mike Keenan, I've watched Denis Savard go into the Hockey Hall of Fame, I've been yelled at by Bill Wirtz, I talked sports with Ben Affleck at the World Series of Poker, and I cry almost every time I see Jim Craig skate up the ice looking for his dad in the stands as the 1980 U.S. Olympic hockey team wrote the greatest sports story ever. Ever.

Got enough on me? Good. Now read the other stuff.

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•  Vinny, vidi, vomit
•  Rex Grossman ought to be booing the Bears
•  It's hard to be critical when the Bulls win, but what's with Vinny's rotation?
•  Bears are too 'close' to going south than winning the North for my comfort
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•  This is Twins' year? Then that's the Sox rallying cry.
•  No sense ranting about the Hawks, but here goes
•  Hey Bulls, those minutes you covet don't just roll over into the playoffs
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