Sign a Petition

Current Campaigns:

Putting Families First Campaign

House Republicans celebrate being the party of no and status quo while:

  • more than 3.2 million Americans have lost their jobs
  • the stock market has plummeted wiping out nearly $7 trillion in stock market wealth and endangering thousands of investors' nest eggs
  • and one in 10 homeowners was delinquent on mortgage payments or in foreclosure this fall

Times are tough: tell Republicans in Congress to put families first. Sign our petition to hold reckless Republicans accountable for opposing President Obama's economic recovery plan » 

Global Warming

Join the conversation on global warming
For the last six years, the Bush Administration and Republicans in Congress have stifled debate and dismissed workable alternative energy solutions in order to protect Big Oil and their special-interest friends. The truth is, however, that we can't do it alone here on Capitol Hill.


Past Petitions: 

Voice Your Outrage about SCHIP
When President Bush vetoed legislation to expand children's health care to 11 million children, you stood strong against him and his Republican allies in Congress.  Thanks to your support, we helped defeat 11 of those Republican obstructionists in the 2008 elections.  In January 2009, President Obama signed the SCHIP bill in his first month in office.

Don't Veto A Pay Raise for Our Troops
Incredibly, President Bush has threatened to veto a Democratic plan to give our troops a much needed pay raise. Even with one in five military families surviving on food stamps, the President won't support a modest 3.5% pay increase. Supporting our troops is more than just words. It's about taking action.

Tell President Bush we need a new Attorney General
We believe that the Attorney General's role in the Justice Department's firing of eight federal prosecutors and other abuses of power make it clear that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has not acted properly in his role.

Become a citizen co-sponsor of the House Democrats plan for Iraq
The U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Health, and Iraq Accountability Act gives the American people a real alternative to the failed approach of the Bush Administration. Join House Democrats and support this bill.

Tell President Bush that his strategy is not the will of the people
Tell President Bush that his strategy to rapidly escalate this war sends the wrong message to Iraqi leaders, provides no credible benchmarks or ways to measure progress and worst of all ignores the will of the American people.

Tell Republicans in Congress to Support Overriding Bush's Stem Cell Veto
Pres. Bush has continually shown that the extremists in his party come before progress. With Democrats in control, and with Congress having the power to override a veto with a 2/3 majority vote, together we can give hope to pursue life-saving science.

Demand Passage of the 9/11 Commission Reforms for Real Security
With the support of thousands of petitioners, the Democratic majority passed legislation during its first 100 hours to implement the findings of the 9/11 Commission. Read more about the Democratic majority's first 100 hours >>

Cut The Traitor Talk
Democrats have continually demanded a sensible new course in Iraq. Click and see our petition to then Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, asking him to cut the traitor talk and start to get a change of direction in Iraq.

Demand House Republicans Denounce Ann Coulter's Hate-Speech
After her particularly insensitive rant against the families of 9/11 victims, petitioners joined the DCCC in telling Republicans to denounce Ann Coulter's hate speech. We ask the House Republicans, "Is Ann Coulter speaking for you?"

Demand a Strategy for Success in Iraq
In 2006, thousands of concerned citizens from across the country demanded an end to the Bush Administration's "stay the course" strategy.

Honest Debate Petition
Under the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, any debate on the Iraq war was stifled. Congressman Murtha called on supporters to demand a real debate on Iraq.

Honest and Open Government
Democrats across America declared on November 7th that it was time to end the Republican culture of corruption prevailing through all levels of government. Click to see our petition demanding House Republicans clean up their act.

Return Tom DeLay's Dirty Money
At the height of the Republicans' culture of corruption, we invited petitioners to tell Republicans to return Tom DeLay's tainted contributions.

Tell President Bush: Fire Karl Rove
As it became clear that Karl Rove had leaked the identity of a CIA agent, over 20,000 DCCC supporters signed our petition telling President Bush to keep his word and remove Karl Rove from The White House.

Stop the Propaganda
See our petition calling for independence of the free press from interference and manipulation on behalf of the government.