Wednesday, February 25, 2009 5:55 PM


All Woman

Collagen and Elastin

Kerry Washington's flawless complexion.

In every magazine we pick up these days that carry advertisements for facial products we read about the ingredients collagen and elastin as elements for maintaining a youthful skin. But how many of us know what are collagen and elastin?...more

Why men cheat

Monday, February 23, 2009

In his book The Truth About Cheating: Why men stray and what you can do to prevent it, which was available for download on recently, mental health counsellor M Gary Neuman said that he realised, from talking to couples, that cheating can happen in the most unlikely circumstances, even if the original intentions are well-meaning....more

Why men cheat — 3 men tell it like it is

Monday, February 23, 2009

"I wish I could say that my woman was treating me cold and that she drove me to it. The simple truth is that I just couldn't help myself," Marcus James shared with All Woman....more

Night rider

Monday, February 23, 2009

I met her for a brief time, yet within that time she had managed to leave with me memories that I am unable to forget, even if I had tried. She came into my life at a time when I was going through changes - changes that are now permanent....more

Collagen and Elastin

Monday, February 23, 2009

In every magazine we pick up these days that carry advertisements for facial products we read about the ingredients collagen and elastin as elements for maintaining a youthful skin. But how many of us know what are collagen and elastin?...more

South Florida organisation fosters partnership with Woman Inc

Monday, February 23, 2009

THE Caribbean Music Alliance Inc (CMA), a South Florida not-for-profit organisation dedicated to fighting crime and poverty in the Caribbean, has teamed up with 25-year-old Kingston-based Woman Inc Crisis Centre, to provide help and support to the women in Jamaica who are victims of domestic violence....more

Of more blogging… 'hole up'… and a royal Facebook moment

Monday, February 23, 2009

And it's non-stop blogging once again this week. The big question remains - why such venom?...more

The condom broke... now what?

Monday, February 23, 2009

IT'S a common confession which family counsellor Marge Roper says she hears from young ladies who fear they have become pregnant - "The condom broke when we were having sex."...more

Leyann's journey One woman's experience with fibroids

Monday, February 23, 2009

UTERINE fibroids, also called 'growths' locally, are among the most common ailments affecting women of African descent in their reproductive years. Jamaican women seem to be affected in unusually high numbers. Here is one woman's story - Leyann, 35, whose name has been changed for privacy....more

Of Non-Stop Viewing… Planned 'lock down' and Suddenly Broker

Monday, February 16, 2009

WHO would have thunk it? A week of non-stop viewing, deciphering and jaw-dropping moments. Hell hath no fury it seems, like an out of pocket investor. For just when we thought recessionista would become the new black and we'd simply buckle down and endure poverty, all hell hath broke loose and whispers from those who 'used to have' is of a planned 'lock-down' and lots more blogging. Poverty does indeed suck!...more

March 9 is Fibroid Awareness Day

Monday, February 16, 2009

BY current estimates, seven in 10 Jamaican women from all walks of life have or are affected by Uterine Fibroids, commonly called growths. Monday March 9 is National Fibroid Awareness Day and local organisation Caribbean Woman has launched their annual information campaign to draw national attention to this major health concern for our women....more

Today's Cartoon


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