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Home FEATURES Killer Kollectibles FRIDAY THE 13th JASON GOES TO HELL life-size statue by Robert Kurtzman

FRIDAY THE 13th JASON GOES TO HELL life-size statue by Robert Kurtzman

To celebrate the release of the remake of FRIDAY THE 13th, (opening nationwide in theaters next Friday) the Surplus Syndicate is offering a one of a kind, life-size statue of Jason Voorhees at it’s Ebay store right now, with the auction ending next week (appropriately enough) on Friday the 13th!

kurtzman_jason_statue_2The head and mask were created from the actual prosthetic molds used for the film by the Academy Award winning F/X house K.N.B. EFX Group (SPAWN , CHRONICLES OF NARNIA, GRINDHOUSE) and comes autographed by JASON GOES TO HELL special make-up designer/supervisor Robert Kurtzman (WISHMASTER, HOSTEL, DEVILS REJECTS, ARMY OF DARKNESS).

The head is removable, and made of urethane with a plastic hockey mask. Mask is secured to the head (as in the film) and not removable. (In the film, Jason’s flesh has grown around the mask itself, becoming part of his actual face.)The body is made of fiberglass with a foam padded upper body form covered by a foam latex rotted/wounded chest piece, and the hands are made of urethane and latex and are posed in final position. Arms are constructed of PVC tubing covered with foam padding covered with a body stocking.

Comes complete with actual machete, which is rigged to the armature to support it’s weight (Note: machete is real and has been dulled down for safety, but should be handled with extreme care as it is still dangerous).




  1. I'd Love to have him to scare trick or treaters never have really gotten many {I'd bet we wouldnt get any more little ones if we stuck him on our porch.}.On Halloween right before the Trick or treaters get here we'd {me & mom} have to carry him out to the porch I'd have to hang a note on the machete telling all visitors hes not real but the machete Pease do not touch it. I'd even put him on display every friday the 13th. If i could afford 2,500 + the 350 S&H; id get it. Im at the ebay site now & there have been no bids on it at all that i know of the auction will be over the 13th. I wonder if they will lower the price if no one bids on it Na he's well worth the asking price they probably more to make him.
  2. Wow. Awesome. Halloween for the kids in my neighborhood would be a little freakier. Alas, I don't have a spare $250, much less $2,500. Ah well.

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