ReTweet: Sebelius Tapped for HHS

2/28/09, 10:16 pm EST

Sen. Claire McCaskill is reporting Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius is Obama’s choice for HHS secretary:

clairecmc Gov Sebelius got the call. She will be terrific. Let’s hope that her confirmation goes quickly. We need the hard work at HHS to begin ASAP.

Double Digits

2/27/09, 3:28 pm EST

California’s jobless rate jumps to 10.1 percent.

Jindal’s Tuzla Moment

2/27/09, 2:13 pm EST

As if his presentation weren’t bad enough, Gov. Jindal has been caught fabricating his Bobby vs. the bureaucrats tale from Katrina.

Why Twitter Rules

2/27/09, 1:35 pm EST

I love to hate Twitter. But its undeniable, unvarnished brilliance shines through when a pol like Sen. Claire McCaskill, the Queen bee of the Capitol Hill Tweeps, offers real-time aggravated insight into the sausage-making of legislating:

@clairecmc So wrong they put another Missouri River Study in the approp bill. Costs $25million.Just did one 4 yrs ago that cost $35mill.Complete waste.

Quote of the Year

2/27/09, 1:12 pm EST


– Commander in Chief Barack Obama

Full speech below the jump:

Obama’s Budget

2/26/09, 2:29 pm EST

Hot Off the (Virtual) Presses.

A Dignified Homecoming

2/26/09, 1:07 pm EST

Pentagon OKs media photos of war dead

Defense Secretary Robert Gates has decided to allow photos of flag-draped caskets at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, if the families of casualties agree.

Why Gas Prices Are Rising

2/25/09, 4:03 am EST


What we are seeing, however, is American refiners cutting back on their utilization capacity, producing less gasoline in order to reduce the retail supply so they can raise prices. Amazingly, Americans get hot under the collar when OPEC cuts production to intentionally raise oil prices on the market, but when refiners cut production to raise the prices of finished fuels that we buy every day, we ignore it.


