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Home MUSICK Musick Reviews KMFDM - BLITZ (Musick Review)

KMFDM - BLITZ (Musick Review)

KMFDM - BLITZLike some chitenous armored and deadly invertebrate, the Hamburg, Germany-based KMFDM continues to evolve, adding new and deadly tools to its arsenal.  2007 saw the critically-acclaimed release of TOVUBAHOHU which took the rivethead dance floors by proverbial meteor storm.  Now in 2009, we see the act adding dance hall synth to its catalogue of ammunition while keeping Sascha Konitzko’s signature guttural vocals and pulse-driving drum beats.

BLITZ opens with the aggro beat of "(Symbol)".  Sascha’s biting wit combined with his jugular-ripping vocals burns up this floor stomping track.  "Bait & Switch" heats up the dance synth to a frenzied pace.  "Davai" is a more classic KMFDM anthem.  "Never Say Never" is a sultrier poppy riff, an usual departure compared to the classic tracks by KMFDM like “A Drug against War”.   "Potz Blitz" is a dark seething track dripping with venom like that of a scorpion’s tail.  The cover of Human League's "Being Boiled" is a surprise for the classic KMFDM fan where synth is blended with brassy horns to create a strange hypnotic riff.

"Strut" was the real surprise on the album, with it's funky beat combined with sultry female vocals in a similar vein to My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult’s own ladies, The Bomb Gang Girls.  "Bitches" is every bit as angry and vitriolic as its title lets on with hazy synth and driving guitar. "Me & My Gun" thumps and grooves with acidic yet compelling vocals.  "Take’m Out" closes the album with a smoldering dance house track with virally infectious grooves.

BLITZ on the whole may surprise longtime listeners.  However, Sascha has proven with 25 years and no less than 16 albums under his belt that he is anything but complacent.  Stagnancy is death in the music scene and keeping up appearances for a static style doesn’t allow for creativity or innovation.  KMFDM being a landmark of Industrial music will continue to pioneer new techniques and new grooves and BLITZ is a welcome addition to the industrial dance floor.


Official Site:

KMFDM's BLITZ will hit stores on March 24, 2009. Pre-order your copy here.

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