Scott James Remnant

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Scott James Remnant

Born July 18, 1980 (1980-07-18) (age 28)
Occupation Ubuntu Developer

Scott James Remnant is an open source software developer. He is an employee of Canonical Ltd where he works as the "Ubuntu Developer Manager" on the Ubuntu Linux distribution.[1] He approves features specifications, sets priorities, and directs development of Ubuntu as part of the three-person technical board.

Scott is particularly notable as the author of the new Upstart system initialization system and the popular Planet weblog aggregation system. In addition to his work on Ubuntu, Scott served as a long-time Debian developer where he maintained libtool, the dpkg package management system, and several other important packages. Scott resigned from Debian in 2006.

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[edit] References

  1. ^ "Monkey Business". Linux Format (96): pp. 8. 2007-09. 
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