
Treyarch Studios just announced some new goodies that'll be included in Call of Duty: World at War , or Call of Duty 5 depending on who you're asking, including:
  • two-player split-screen, four-player co-op over Xbox Live and PSN
  • co-op specific challenges that'll contribute to overall experience points
  • unique perks specific to the setting (World War II–again?!?)
  • introduction of vehicles with perks related to them
But call us ungrateful if we think those aren't cutting the mustard just yet. Here are some things we'd like to see before we plunk down 60 bucks for more war:

1. Airborne vehicles
Sure, the setting is World War II and helicopters were just a twinkle in Daddy Warbucks' eyes, but we want some heavy metal air-tillery whizzing by.

2. Fully destructible environments
It's war. The battlefield is meant to be left flatter than you found it.

3. A cover system
One of the more frustrating parts of playing Call of Duty 4 was getting sniped by someone who saw your head peeking out of a slab of rock.

4. Character customization
Give players the ability to gear their soldiers up and show off what they've unlocked. Need some inspiration Treyarch? Play Rainbow Six Vegas 2.

5. Stackable weapon add-ons
What's the point of unlocking grips and scopes if we can't use one with the other?

6. A longer story
The multiplayer may have been the development team's focus in Call of Duty 4, but a four- to six-hour single-player campaign is just pathetic.

7. Offline bots
Offer another option beside simply letting us play with the hyperactive kiddies on Xbox Live, please.

8. Action sequences for melee kills
Call of Duty 4 convinced millions of gamers that waving a knife in the air will magically kill an opponent. How about giving us some action sequences, quick-time or not, to spice things up a bit?

Check out the newest screens (click to open in a new window):

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