Blogger: Richard McVey Back To Circus Maximus

Conan Remembers 16 Years of Crap Gone Wrong

Posted Monday, 2/23/2009 10:00 PM in Guy TV by Richard McVey

Conan Remembers 16 Years of Crap Gone Wrong
Late Night with Conan O’Brien signed off for good last week, but not before serving up a bloopers video filled with pissed-off kangaroos and prop failures.
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Funny People Trailer

Posted Monday, 2/23/2009 09:00 PM in The Movie Blog by Richard McVey

Funny People Trailer
Enjoy a peek at writer/director Judd Apatow’s highly-anticipated third film, Funny People, starring Adam Sandler and Seth Rogen.
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Surviving the Oscars in Three Links

Posted Friday, 2/20/2009 05:19 PM in Guy TV by Richard McVey

Surviving the Oscars in Three Links
We’ve scoured the web in search of Academy Award links filled with cleavage, craziness and prognostications to help you through Hollywood’s most boring night.
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Back Off Vader, We Saw Her First

Posted Friday, 2/20/2009 09:00 AM in Stupid Fun by Richard McVey

Back Off Vader, We Saw Her First
Apparently Darth Vader, er, Hayden Christensen popped the question to hottie Rachel Bilson. Hey, we saw her first.
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Video: Six Glorious Years of Hometown Hotties

Posted Thursday, 2/19/2009 06:13 PM in Stupid Fun by Richard McVey

Video: Six Glorious Years of Hometown Hotties

No really, it was nothing. All we did was create the world’s greatest video, chock-full of Hometown Hotties goodness

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Tonight On a Special, Sh*t-Inducing Episode of ER

Posted Thursday, 2/19/2009 11:04 AM in Guy TV by Richard McVey

Tonight On a Special, Sh*t-Inducing Episode of ER
We’ve been waiting years for someone to mock ER's preposterous TV promos, and here it is.

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Alyssa Milano & Uncle Sam Mock The Wrestler

Posted Wednesday, 2/18/2009 06:30 PM in Stupid Fun by Richard McVey

Alyssa Milano & Uncle Sam Mock The Wrestler
The Uncler, a brilliant parody of The Wrestler, shows a washed-up Uncle Sam trying to fight his way back into America’s good graces. And blah, blah, blah…Alyssa Milano is in it.
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Alec Baldwin's Best SNL Skits

Posted Wednesday, 2/18/2009 03:18 PM in Guy TV by Richard McVey

Alec Baldwins Best SNL Skits
Whether he’s shaking his Wii or sharing his Schweddy Balls, Alec Baldwin's time on Saturday Night Live always makes for TV magic.
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The World Bikini Football League: You Had Us at Bikini
First there was the Lingerie Bowl, and now this: The World Bikini Football League. We can’t decide if it’s real, or just mankind’s cruelest hoax ever.
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Dwight Howard’s NBA All-Star Weekend Must Have Sucked
We have two favorite moments from the NBA All-Star Weekend, and both involve poor Dwight Howard eating a sh-t sandwich.

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