Limbaugh Attacked—You Responded

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Rush!!!  You are not the light in the night.....You are a BRIGHT and burning SUN illuminating all the darkness and revealing the pitfalls along the way.  God Bless you mightily Rush.

Posted by Garfield | 01/29/09, 07:20 PM EST

This is an outrage! Any criticism of our Obamessiah must be punished to the fullest extent of Sharia law!

Posted by Mahmoud Ahmadinejihad in Tehran, Iran ( www ) | 01/29/09, 07:24 PM EST

I already signed the petition Wolffie. Rush knows that most who signed are supporters. That you continue is almost as funny as your Zero headline of yesterday. This blog is fun to read as not a single ‘rat has been on here to support Porkula, especially since Zero claimed that pork was a thing of the past. I hope you realize that pork is the white meat of ‘rat politics.

Posted by Lisa Simpson in Springfield | 01/29/09, 07:34 PM EST

The Democratic/NeoMarxist Party can go to hell.  It will cease to exist in 10 years.  You people are so stupid you can’t handle success even when you con and lie and scheme to attain it.  The party will implode and splinter with the 10 % of rational members forming a common sense party.  As for the Dear Leader/Messiah.  He has Jimmy Carter written all over him

Posted by TOTALITARIAN LEFT in Everywhere | 01/29/09, 07:34 PM EST

Keep up the good work Rush.  You are doing our country a great service with your show.  I am glad to have a patriotic American like you on the airwaves!

Posted by Cooldude | 01/29/09, 07:37 PM EST

God bless you Rush!  Keep up the great work.  These libs are beside themselves and I haven’t had this much fun since Harry Reid helped you raise $4.2 million for our wonderful Marines.

By the way DCCC guys.  You say, “Sign our petition and we’ll send your comments to Rush.” Make sure you do just that---SEND THE COMMENTS.  From the looks of things, at least 90% of them will be positive!


Posted by IrishEi in Jersey Shore | 01/29/09, 07:37 PM EST

Totalitarian, communistic, fascist governments all want to silence dissent.  The Dems fall right into those categories.  Thank God for Rush who has the intellect, drive, strength, and fearlessness to stand up for our free speech and do it with a smile.  Yea Rush!!!!

Posted by June | 01/29/09, 07:49 PM EST

The headline “Limbaugh Attacked - You Responded” can be interpreted one of 2 ways:

1. Democrats attacked Rush - Rush supporters responded


2. Democrats attacked Rush by misquoting him - you ignorant people who didn’t check the facts jumped on the bandwagon.

Posted by Greg DeFranco in Cleveland Ohio | 01/29/09, 07:54 PM EST

I love maharushee I find the sound of his voice very soothing. If I listen to his show on Friday I can usually
make it through the weekend, not having to think for myself.
This frees me up to do other things. Because of Rush I have true freedom. He Is the leader of the free world!!
He leads us with 1/2 his brain tied behind his back.With talent on loan from God. ahhh maharushee I’d like to kiss his feet.

Posted by mini rush in the right wing underground | 01/29/09, 08:00 PM EST

Are these babies still crying about Rush Limbaugh? bwahahahahaha..........

Posted by donna in charlotte, nc | 01/29/09, 08:01 PM EST

As a Democrat, I am more pissed off at our own DCCC Director for similar comments:

“every grassroots Democrat ‘hopes’ President Obama fails”
-Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Executive Director Brian Wolff

Posted by What about Wolff? | 01/29/09, 08:01 PM EST

Oh, that petition is not what it seems.  I submitted a comment (as did many others I know of) praising Rush and encouraging him to KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!  WE LOVE YOU RUSH!


Posted by Jim in Georgia | 01/29/09, 08:02 PM EST

Wow, this new post shows that whomever wrote it is completely illiterate.  Out of the 1700+ comments in the petition, about five supported the DCCC, the other 1695+ supported Rush.

If the DCCC doesn’t even have the judgment to figure this out, how can they run anything of substance.

Posted by Simon | 01/29/09, 08:06 PM EST

You Stalinists take the cake.  I guess you have nothing better to do than attack a private citizen for his views and the fact that he can freely and confidently speak his mind.  Have you ever listened to yourselves?  I have, you have no core principles and stutter speak through any contentious issue because you mental midgets have to make sure that what you said in the last sentence doesn’t directly contradict what you’re going to say in the next.  You are over-reaching, and it is going to be wonderful to see you fall.  I’ll be curious to see whether or not Madame Botox Pelosi can stretch her face to cry when she’s dethroned and loses her private jet priviledges. 

I’m glad I have copies of Orwell’s ‘1984’ and ‘Animal Farm’.  It’s absolutely creepy how closely what you do and want to do to bring about a socialist utopia matches his books.  Americans are free spirited and love freedom.  You people need to pack up and move to frickin’ Europe if you hate us so much.

Why don’t you do us all a favor and abort yourselves.

Posted by Tim Schieferecke in AMERICA | 01/29/09, 08:06 PM EST

I support Obama.
I do not support his mission.

You can support the Commander in Chief but not his mission.

If the mission is wrong, it is our patriotic duty to dissent.  A lot of people have quoted Hillary Clinton, dissent is patriotic.

Posted by Wally Winters Wonderland | 01/29/09, 08:08 PM EST

Brian Wolff:  are you really an idiot or do you just play one on the internet??

You bet your A$$ we responded—about 1700 to 5 in favor of Rush!!

Posted by Stephanie Jackson | 01/29/09, 08:08 PM EST

Wait a minute...the petition states: “Rush Limbaugh actually said that he ‘hopes’ President Obama fails to meet America’s challenges.”

Now I know why they put only the word “hopes” in quotation marks - the rest of that claim is the OPPOSITE of what Rush said.

First I got all upset, then I Googled to read how bad Rush really was, and I read the rest of the conversation.
You morons, Rush said he hopes Obama SUCCEEDS as long as Obama does things that are GOOD for America and follows all the policies that have WORKED in the past, like cutting income and business taxes, cutting waste and pork, freeing small businesses to build and grow and hire people.

Rush only said he hopes that any plans to induce the failure of America through Socialist, high taxation, pork spending, welfare handouts, and anything that deflates the value of the dollar like the bank bailout did - that THOSE FAILED IDEAS SHOULD FAIL.

We all know those tired old collectivist government takeover ideas and Keynesian spending attempts have ALWAYS CAUSED NATIONS TO FAIL.
And Rush apparently wants BOTH OBAMA AND AMERICA TO SUCCEED, but only at the same time.

The final DCCC statement, that “Jobs, health care, our place in the world — the stakes for our nation are high and every American needs President Obama to succeed.” is a paraphrase NOT of the current DNC proposals, or even from Obama; that’s a paraphrase of RUSH LIMBAUGH.

Wake up, DCCC people, and learn to read.
and think.

sign me,
just another Conservative Thinking Democrat from Illinois.

Posted by RSandman in Illinois | 01/29/09, 08:11 PM EST

Fail! Fail! Fail! Obama and your Pelosi/Reid/Frank Socialist minions...may every 819Billion Scammed-buck be a lash to your back rather than on the backs of the hardworking God-fearing Conservatives...Keep shouting out the truth Rush, and Hannity, and Beck...We need all of you guys!

Posted by God Help Us! in Elizabethtown, PA | 01/29/09, 08:12 PM EST

“Brian Wolff:  are you really an idiot or do you just play one on the internet??”

Ha!  Good one!!!

Posted by Mark Leher | 01/29/09, 08:14 PM EST

Rush keep up the good work and standing for freedom.
Thank you for your patriotism.
We stand with you against the Socialist whack jobs
Millions support you.

Posted by Derrick in Missouri | 01/29/09, 08:15 PM EST

I think that petition will become a new meme- Epic Fail Petition.

Posted by Paula | 01/29/09, 08:15 PM EST

If Obama succeeds in socializing America (as his record and rhetoric attest he would attempt) it would possibly be the final nail in the coffin of the American Experiment in limited government which is what made this country great. So yeah, I also want Obama to fail.

Posted by Jack France | 01/29/09, 08:16 PM EST

Wolff: you are a disgrace to all Americans, both Democrat and Republican.

Shady journalism—and that’s a compliment.  You are a liar and corrupt and should be thrown out of whatever your position is.

You may have awakened the sleeping giant. Nothing brings people together like a common enemy. Especially when that enemy lies like you do.

Posted by Jack Gray | 01/29/09, 08:17 PM EST

Rush is one of the best conservative talk show.  He tells it like it is. I already wrote in the DCCC post.  It is wonderful to see the support he is getting.  We love you Rush!!!!!!  You are our voices. Keep up the good work.  This country is worth fighting for.  We can’t let the left get any more power.

Posted by Brenda in Visalia, CA | 01/29/09, 08:20 PM EST

Democrats are scum.  They’re hell bent on destroying this country.  God bless Rush Limbaugh and the congressional Republicans who voted NO to Pelosi, Reid, and Obama’s sham “stimulus” bill.

Posted by A free thinking American | 01/29/09, 08:22 PM EST

Rush, you are awesome! I can’t wait to see the evil Obama administration crash! Send that illegal Obama back to where he was born… in Kenya!!!! Then he can continue helping his cousin with his deadly takeover of their government. Obama gave him millions, and so his cousin used it and made a deal with Muslims to murder thousands of Christians, so that his cousin could run the country. Obama, you are PURE EVIL!!!!!!!! We will laugh when you come crashing down!!! You deserve it, you murderer.

Posted by Kate | 01/29/09, 08:24 PM EST

I am ASHAMED to be a member of the democrat party!!!

I am ASHAMED of our new President and the way he is attempting to use BROWN SHIRT TACTICS to silence opposing political views!

Rush Limbaugh is right to say whatever he thinks and I will not stand by as MY PARTY attempts to silence ALL opposition!  That is NOT democracy!  THAT IS TYRANNY!!

SHAME ON THE DNC!  I will NEVER give another DIME of my money for this group of anti-free speech NATION SOCIALISTS!!!

Posted by James in Clermont, Florida | 01/29/09, 08:25 PM EST

Rush, you have so much common sense, along with great ideas. Obama’s great idea to helping the economy was sex. Just give everyone condoms! What a pervert.

Posted by Kate | 01/29/09, 08:26 PM EST

What a load of hypocrisy from you “progressives” (read LIBERALS).  You’ve spend 8 years whining, crying, moaning and trying to do everything you can to destroy Bush’s presidency and as soon as someone says something against your “Savior” you go on the attack and snivel about “how unfair”.  At least Bush didn’t put a Tax Cheat in charge of the IRS.

Posted by D. Moore in Columbus OH | 01/29/09, 08:26 PM EST

This is hilarious.  I’m not seeing any support for the DCCC here.  Only trashing them for this lame stunt.  I guess even democrats can’t support their own attempt at suppressing Rush’s First Amendment rights.

Posted by GOF | 01/29/09, 08:28 PM EST

Not working out so well is it libtards?

The porkula bill is all yours. Stimulate the economy? Get you and your stalinists out of the way!

Posted by Dagny Taggart in America ( www ) | 01/29/09, 08:29 PM EST

I am a Democrat and I do not like Rush in the least, however, this campaign against a citizen is a disgrace. What happens when one of us says something the powers that be don’t like, will they come after us next?

This is not the Democrat party I love, this is a cheap stunt.  This does not stand for freedom or tolerance, peace, or love, or any of the things we stand for.

If you don’t like what Rush says, ignore him, don’t give him the attention.  You are empowering his karma, giving him your energy, and driving people to listen to him.  Worse, you are doing it by lying.  What happens when people sees what he really said and realizes you lied?  Who will they start to trust more?

Whomever started this must be fired and should never speak for my beloved Democratic party.

Posted by Ashley Mathews in Dallas Texas | 01/29/09, 08:29 PM EST

Thank God for Rush......

Posted by kim in houston | 01/29/09, 08:31 PM EST

Keep up the opposition Rush! America needs you.

Posted by george Meredith | 01/29/09, 08:36 PM EST

Everyone does realize that this is just a move towards laying the groundwork for the “fairness doctrine.” The dems hate anyone that voices opposition and want to stop it.  They’ve been working on the Second Amendment for years.  Why would anyone be surprised that they’re going after the First Amendment now.

Posted by GOF | 01/29/09, 08:37 PM EST

President Obama has NO right to try to limit what Rush Limbaugh or anyone else says on the radio.  Don’t you people know that the media is a check and balance on a government which can become too powerful?  The media limited President Bush’s power, and it will also limit President Obama’s power!

Too bad for you facist liberals who want to impose your will on a free people!  Don’t you remember in the ‘60’s when you all were chanting, “Get the government out of my life?” What happened since then?  Now that you are all in government, you want to get into our lives!

Posted by Fred | 01/29/09, 08:38 PM EST

Wolfe as always you only spew what you are told to spew by the almighty CNN. 

Most americans, the ones that still read, know what he said and meant.  Thanks for trying to misquote him.

Really what is important to us Americans is not what an entertainer like yourself and Rush are saying, but what the the House and Senate is doing to the Nation why you guys make up a “monster” to loath and hate while the real culprits are stealing and turning this nation into a fourth world country.  Yes, fourth world.

Anything to take our minds off the real issues is what you guys do day in and day out.  Guess Paris and Britney were home behaving so Rush was the guy to attack. 

We know what the kids in kongress are trying to do and we are calling them out on it.

Thanks again Wolfe for looking out for the best interest of your network and not the great american people of all colors, shapes and sizes.  You are an interesting entertainer to say the least.

BTW, how much tax payer dollars is CNN and it’s affiliates going to get in this round? 

Thank goodness some democrats actually decided against this nonsense even though it passed.  I just hope the Senate stands up for the nation. 

This bill creates nothing but more of the same smoking mirrors that most of the bills coming out of congress has in the last 20 years.

Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton/Obama… Please stop the Bush/Clinton dynasty.

Posted by henry hound clay | 01/29/09, 08:40 PM EST

Mega left-coast dittos, Rush.  It’s a delight to watch the left’s brownshirt-like tactics blow up in their faces and expose them for the hypocritical, intolerant freedom-squelchers they are.  Keep giving ‘em hell.

By the way, DCCC: thanks for posting this petition.  Nice job in Congress on that vote on the Generational Theft Act, too - not one single Republican in Congress giving you and yours the fig leaf of bipartisan support. This one’s all yours.  Own it.

Posted by Keith Arnold in Alhambra, California ( www ) | 01/29/09, 08:43 PM EST

My thoughts, my mind, my body.
Keep your government hands off what I choose to put into my mind.  It is not your possession.

Posted by Tarja in Finland and New York | 01/29/09, 08:43 PM EST

Rush ROCKS and you can’t stand it.
If you don’t like what he talks about (the TRUTH) then don’t listen to him.  I tune out your guy and tune Rush in.  Is that what is so upsetting??

Posted by David Flosi in FAR West Texas | 01/29/09, 08:46 PM EST

Way to go, Rush! You’re AWESOME!

Posted by Rose in Austin, TX | 01/29/09, 08:47 PM EST

Obama, Hilary, and all you other socialist Alinsky-ites (a la, Rules for Radicals) need to understand that we liberty, freedom-loving conservatives have read his book too.

Rush’s offer of a TRUE bipartisan bailout bill in the Wall Street Journal was great!

Oh yes, I too hope that the Obama plan to socialize (Nazi-fy) America FAILS!

Secondly, if you think that you socialists can attack Rush through a reactivation of the “Fairness Doctrine,” you better go read the comments of FCC commissioner Robert McDowell at

“Actually, in a string of media cases stretching back over more than 20 years, various judges on the D.C. Circuit - both Democratic and Republican appointees - have suggested that it is time for the Supreme Court to rethink the concept of spectrum scarcity as a justification for limiting broadcasters’ First Amendment rights. A revived Doctrine would provide a big, bright bulls-eye for those who wish to make that happen. That development would have implications far beyond the Doctrine itself. Much of our content regulation of broadcasters - including most of the FCC’s existing localism rules and the regulations requiring three hours a week of children’s programming - rest on the spectrum scarcity rationale. If that rationale is invalidated, serious legal challenges to all those other content rules may follow.”

Posted by Critical 1 in West Virginia | 01/29/09, 08:50 PM EST

I support every Americans right to free speech .  I know the President is Obama but I do not need him to tell others who they should listen to.  Mr. President get over yourself you were not elected with a huge super majority and the rest of us who did not vote for you are entitled to listen to whom ever we choose.  If you do not like Rush dont listen to him but let every man and woman in America have the right to offer a different opinion,

Posted by Wayne Karanovich in Richmond IN | 01/29/09, 08:50 PM EST

Democrats should be ashamed of their party and themselves.

To attack and attempt to character assassinate a private citizen by distorting trough reversal of the meaning and subject of his comments, is exactly what Goebbels and Stalin did to kill millions.

Rush wants Obama’s Marxist policy and agenda to fail, he could care less about Obama himself, it’s what his policies will do.

Democrats would have America resemble Cuba or Zimbabwe, rather than have Obama fail.

Shameful lying communists.

Posted by Joe Ordinary in California | 01/29/09, 08:51 PM EST

Why would Rush hope for Obama to suceed at destroying the pillars of America’s greatness??? I don’t get what the flap is about.  By the way, I was fairly neutral in this past election because I couldn’t support Mccain anymore than Obam.  But after watching that “smiling face” video from Chris Von Hollen, I feel like someone has slathered owl squeeze on me.  SLIM-EEE.  Thanks to this Rush campaign, I’m ready to get really energized about the republican party again (assuming the republicans will get their head out of their $*&* and start standing up to these psychotic bolshevik dems.) I’m ready to do whatever it takes to get these clowns out of town.

Posted by jack tatum | 01/29/09, 08:52 PM EST

Rush, keep on going. I’ve listened to you since my dad told me about your show. I listen everyday in the middle of Washington University in St. Louis. You keep me sane, you keep Americans eyes open, and inform them of what no one else will say. God Bless You!!!!!!

Any Conservative or Republican reading this, I ask you to keep on going. They say Barack Obama

(um… DCCC people, your spell check thing flags Barack Obama as misspelled as well as DCCC)

won partially because of his illusion of his supporters complete presence throughout the media and internet. So why don’t we take back the internet while Rush takes back the media by continuing to be the center of attention. Keep the comments going here and everywhere else.

Posted by Zach in St. Louis Washington University | 01/29/09, 08:53 PM EST

0bama is attempting to socialize America. Thank God for Rush.

Posted by Eric | 01/29/09, 08:54 PM EST

I didn’t even watch the video, but this cracks me up because I read all 47 comments, and not one single comment is in support of this arrogant petition.  Not one! 

I can’t speak for everyone, but I know that for myself, I have endured the following:  the Obama-love fest, the media kissing Obama’s butt, Hollywood drooling all over Obama, having to listen to “Yes we can” even on commercials, hearing all the arrogant Bush-bashing and the Sarah Palin bashing, knowing that millions were spent on his inauguration (in the middle of a recession), and now this stupid petition, and I, for one,am SICK OF IT!!! Sick of having Obama and his “yes we can” shoved in my face constantly, sick of hearing that maybe I am “racist” or not a true American if I don’t agree with or like Obama, sick of the biased, manipulative, power-hungry, and arrogant media, sick of Hollywood who acts like they speak for all the people, sick of Democrats carelessly wasting money, sick of Obama’s voice with his arrogance and inexperience and liberalness, and sickened by this petition trying to silence us.  SICK OF IT!!!!!! 

So, I am glad that Rush Limbaugh is not afraid to speak out. I am glad that the Republican House leaders all voted No on the stimulus bill. (Way to go Rush and way to go Republicans in the House!!) Glad to read that all these people are as fed up as I am. Glad I am not alone in thinking that I am one of the only sane people left in America because I don’t weep, faint, or tremble at the sight of Obama. He’s just a man, people… get a grip, and while you’re at it, get you’re head out of the sand!

Posted by Ashleigh in Miami | 01/29/09, 09:08 PM EST

Congrats Rush! Keep up the good work.

Posted by Barry Sotero in Hawaii | 01/29/09, 09:09 PM EST

Limbaugh did not attack. CNN is usually a spin machine for far left ideology, and this muzzle effort is no exception. Rush tells the truth. The DCCC needs to learn from Rush. Obama is a clueless puppet, and we must fight against his destructive policies.

Posted by Ihateglobalism | 01/29/09, 09:11 PM EST
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