Terrifyingly Gnarly #7 – Sometimes being an older brother means baseball-playing vampires.
Bloody Blogs - Terrifyingly Gnarly
Written by Samuel Zimmerman   
Wednesday, 03 December 2008 16:21
Writing a blog is an interesting undertaking, not that I’m an expert or have been doing it a long time, but there’s just a lot of paradoxical kind of things that kick around my mind when dishing out one of these. I guess the concept of the blog as a free form of expression is one of them, and how as soon as I put down words, I second guess what I’m writing and why I’m writing it. A “what does it matter what I say” kind of thing. I have an arsenal of words written down for this entry right now but I just keep thinking, “Do I really need to put my two cents in about TWILIGHT?” (Don’t worry; I’m not looking for any proactive pep talks about blogging from anyone.)

Most of you Fango readers don’t care probably or just flat out hate TWILIGHT. Actually, that was a little general. I’m sure there’s a good mix of those that love it, hate it and are indifferent to TWILIGHT. But with so much media coverage on the movie, what can I say that won’t just kind of be annoying that I’m another person commenting on cheesy vampires? But, whatever, I saw it, so I guess I’ll try and make a clever reference regarding its silliness. Ultimately, I’m just going to keep everything I had written. Since the last things I saw were TWILIGHT and REPO, I might as well unload thoughts about those and then get back to random things I’ve never seen next time.

So, I thought I’d be the cool older brother and take my 10-year-old sister to go see TWILIGHT as she’s burning through the books like a maniac, and was rabidly excited for it. There’s no sense in attacking the teen vampire romance for being what it is. It’s full-on cheese, the cheesiest of cheese; this is about 100 leaning tower of cheeses as made by Goofy’s son. And if you are dragged to it by someone you love or want to impress, just sit back and laugh as hard as I did (thankfully, my girlfriend isn’t caught up in this all so I wasn’t alone in tear induced laughter) because TWILIGHT contains some moments of such hilarity at the sheer silliness of it all, that it pretty much made it worth it.

Most notably of these moments are the vampires’ reactions to sunlight. You may have noticed in the commercials or if you have seen it, that the Cullen family goes to school and parades around during the day, but only really on cloudy, overcast days. Why?! How?! Well, they avoid the direct sunlight, not because they will burst into flames or turn to dust, but because, in the blinding rays of the glorious burning ball we call the sun, Edward Cullen’s true self and image is revealed…

He glistens.


He looks like Tobias Funke when he douses himself in all of Lindsay Bluth’s diamond cream. (see here). He looks like your little sister took all the glitter she puts on her face and fell into a vat of it. And according to Bella Swan, “It’s beautiful.”

Also, vampires play baseball, but only during thunderstorms. Since you know, they hit the ball so hard people have to mistake it for thunder.

I think that is all I need to say about TWILIGHT.

So I got to see REPO! THE GENETIC OPERA, finally. Let’s talk a little before I discuss the movie.

I hate musicals.

Watch your Organs!

I grew up involved in theater. My father directs plays and is a total theater enthusiast. I did drama in high school and for a good while wanted to be an actor, although that kind of ended when high school did. Throughout all of it though, I’ve hated musicals. They rub me the wrong way, and yes I know not all of them are awful and some of them have depth and all that stuff, but I just can’t. Most of all, I can’t do THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW. Maybe it’s the show, maybe it’s the fan base, maybe a combination of both, but one thing I do hate is ROCKY.

So it wasn’t looking good for REPO. I’ve followed it all through production, remarking about how silly it all seemed, and then in typical, “Start your blog off with how much you hate the mold the film fits into” fashion, I saw a trailer and got stoked.

The film isn’t perfect. But it’s a lot of fun and extremely exciting visually. I’m glad Darren Bousman has proven himself worthy of things better than SAW sequels. REPO is set in the not too distant future after a plague of organ failures and the rise of a corrupt medical company called GeneCo. The outfit replaces failed bodily organs but for a price, and if you miss a payment, the Repo Man comes to collect. The world Bousman creates is insanely striking and exciting to get lost in, so his direction is already one plus the film has. The performances are another reason to make sure you get a viewing of this in. Most notably Anthony Stewart Head who sings his ass off, making excellent epic passion faces while doing so, and Bill Moseley, who can make the worst movie shine a little (and he did, since HOUSE was incredibly bad, but his scenes were easily the best).

In fact, I didn’t really have a problem with anyone in the film, except the Graverobber. I thought his character’s framing devices were unnecessary and not very well put together. I’ve met some people who disliked Alexa Vega in the role of Shiloh, and who have told me that it must be because I’m a straight male that I didn’t have a problem with it. I honestly didn’t think she was bad at all. Some have said she doesn’t have a great voice, but only about two or three people in the film actually do have excellent singing voices. And besides, she was in SPY KIDS, which is radasauras rex. Some of the songs are standout, while others are just OK, but everyone’s enthusiasm, effort and love for the project really shines through.

I couldn’t tell if it was the movie or the theater, but the film was slightly too dark at times and it was difficult to get a handle on what was going on visually. But REPO’s definitely worth a check out.

In better film news, I haven’t had a chance to finish the classic PEEPING TOM, but am beyond excited to, since so far it’s quite good. Also, does anyone else severely hate when you’re at a store and instead of asking you politely to move, someone just looms behind you and over your shoulders to look at something. It’s hella awkward.

Terrifyingly Gnarly,


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