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The Indiana Hub

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Indiana on Ballotpedia

This page is a hub to connect you to everything on Ballotpedia about Indiana and its ballotlaws, history, ballot propositions statewide and local, and more.

Indiana ballot news

U.S. Supreme Court upholds Indiana's voter ID law

In a decision announced on April 28, the Supreme Court announced that it was holding by a vote of 6-3 that Indiana's voter identification law is constitutional. Challengers had alleged that the law's photo ID requirement was unconstitutional because it created too great a burden for voters.

It is expected that the Supreme Court's ruling will lead to other state's adopting similar legislation.In a 6-to-3 Vote, Justices Uphold a Voter ID Law

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Indiana and direct democracy

Statewide, Indiana enjoys just one of the available seven forms of direct democracy. If the Indiana legislature places a constitutional amendment on the statewide ballot, voters can ratify or reject it.

Indiana has a unique remonstrance-petition process that property owners only can use to defeat school district bond issues. In this process, supporters and opponents of tax increases compete for the highest number of signatures in a fixed period of time.

Indiana ballot basics

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