Table of Contents

Migrating from TextDrive Shared hosting

When migrating your accounts, domains, users etc. from the old FreeBSD based servers, you will inevitably run into some problems, as the layout of the account and the naming schemes had to be made different. See Changes from TextDrive Shared Hosting for a summary.

This walkthrough is specific to those hosted on TextDrive servers. For a more general overview of the process, see Moving to Joyent Shared Accelerators.

Unfortunately, there is no way to have an account automatically migrated for you so you'll need to move any files and databases yourself to the new Shared Accelerator.

Things To Do While Waiting for Your Golden Ticket

Based on suggestions by tweir:

  1. Delete cruft and organize what’s left. Take this chance to go through your sites’ file structure and clean out things you are no longer using, or organize things a little better.
  2. Make a list of email users.
  3. Remind email users to clean out their inboxes.
  4. Make a list of domains that need to move.
    1. Make a list of what type of ports you need (lighttpd, trac, instiki, mongrel, generic use)
    2. Make a list of dedicated IPs
    3. Make a list of Share certificates (from Joyent) and third party certificates which will need to be regenerated.
    4. Make a list of protected directories (if you made any)
  5. Set your TTL to a low level if you manage your own DNS records. If your DNS records are managed by TextDrive, they are already set at either 1200 or 2400 seconds (depending on when your account was set up) which is a fairly low value - no need to change anything.
  6. Catchall email address users: make a list of email addresses you have used that you want to remain available.
  7. You can keep track of how the migration is going at Joyent's end via the OpenSolaris Migration Update forum thread. This also has info on how to request a Golden Ticket.

Once You Have Your Ticket

Submit a ticket For port(s) listing how many of each type - lighttpd, mongrel, instiki, trac, general, the details for the share certificates which need to be moved(No charge for replacement), and dedicated IPs (No charge for replacement). If you have a third party certificate submit a request to them on getting a new one generated.

Migrating each domain

Do the following for each domain - you may wish to use the domain migration checklist below. By the way, start with your least important domains.

  1. Limit access to your website if possible, especially if other people besides you normally contribute to the site (forums, blogs with comments, etc.). For example, put up a simple “down for repairs” index page up and redirect all access to it. Or simply disable comments, etc. If users make additions or changes to any part of your site during the migration, it is likely that it will be lost, and this step helps prevent that from happening.
  2. Back up your files, either to your local hard drive or to strongspace.
  3. In Webmin on your old account, turn on FTP access for all users (for email migration later).
  4. Add the domain to your account
  5. Create your databases in Virtualmin (if your .sql file doesn't start with a CREATE database_name declaration)
    1. Either in phpMyAdmin ( or from the command line, export your database using as “latin1” character encoding. Download the .sql file to your hard disk.
    2. Open the .sql file in a text editor and find/replace all instances of latin1 with utf8. Note that if your collation is something strange like latin1-swedish-ci you'll need to change this to utf8-general-ci.
    3. Check if the file starts with a CREATE database_name declaration—you will have to comment this out with ”--” if you've already made the database, and/or alter the USE database_name command if the new database name is different.
    4. Save the new file and import it into your database on the new server (again, can be done either on the command line or through phpMyAdmin).
  6. Add users or mailboxes:
  7. Create aliases
  8. Upload your site's files. Rather than using SFTP (downloading everything from the old server and uploading it back to the new), why not copy the files directly? Log in to the new server and cd into your website's web/public directory, then type the following command1):
    rsync -ave ssh .
  9. Check paths, usernames and passwords in configuration files for your CMSs and other web apps. The absolute paths given in these files (such as textpattern’s config.php) are almost certainly incorrect now that you've moved all your files to the new server.
  10. Recreate protected directories if you had them, and if you want to manage them via Virtualmin. Allowed users should appear automatically once you've added the protected directory since the directory's .htpasswd should have been copied over (use the default “users to allow: all users in file”).
  11. Copy cron jobs from your old account if you have any you want to keep. The shared accelerators don't have @reboot cron jobs — read up on Boot-up actions instead.

Migrating your email users

You may wish to use the email migration checklist below to keep yourself organized through this process.

  1. Check then recreate your current email setup (forwards, aliases etc) on the new server for each email user account so that the emails will be processed as they currently are once we flip the DNS switch
  2. Send a test email to each new user account to ensure it’s working (you can check via, eg The email address format to send to is for your primary domain, and (you can check 'username(-domainname)' in Edit Mail and FTP Users → POP3/FTP login, and 'domainname' is generally the first part of your domain name, eg “bbc” for
  3. On the OLD server, switch FTP access on for each user whose email you are migrating
  4. At the same time add their new server email address to the email forwarding section. This merely ensures that no email is lost during the time it takes the DNS to switch over later on. (Note: Enabling forwarding can be problematic, especially if you have lots of aliases. Make a copy of all your aliases first so you can check none are dropped in the process. Also the forward is usually successful even if the server times out - try accessing from the user list again to check.)
  5. Copy each email user’s mail. You could simply open both old and new accounts in an IMAP client like Thunderbird and drag and drop the emails over, or use this suggestion from anoop:
    Two rsyncs appear to be the quickest way to move mail over…On your 
    new shared accelerator, run this command:
      rsync -ave ssh some_local_temp_folder
    This will bring over a user’s Maildir to the Solaris server. Then run this command 
    to put it in their new home folder
      scp -pr some_local_temp_folder/Maildir new-login@localhost:
    Then rm -fr some_local_temp_folder/Maildir to get rid of the temporary copy.

NOTE: The second step used to use rsync, but rsync does not work due to changes in the scponly shell. Use scp instead.

On some of the textdrive servers the first step still works with rsync. On others, you need to replace rsync -ave ssh with scp -pr.

Other things that need shifting

Don't forget some of these other items. These aren't covered in detail on this page since they don't apply to most users:

Switching DNS over

For a totally seamless switchover, save DNS updates for last.

This assumes that you are using Joyent to serve DNS for you (including the name servers). There are two ways to switch DNS from an old TextDrive shared server to a Shared Accelerator.

If you never requested any custom A type record (pointing a single hostname to an IP external to Joyent/TextDrive), and have either a vanilla DNS zone, or have a custom MX or SPF setup on a domain (anything but an A type record):

If you do have custom A type records (e.g. a hostname pointing to your own server elsewhere), you can still follow the above approach and then request to have the custom A record(s) reset, or:

If you handle DNS yourself using a third-party service like, use that service's interface to change your records to the new IP address and leave PowerDNS off on the new server.


Use these tables to create a spreadsheet or plain-old-paper list of your domains or email users and check off each task in the migration process.

Neither table is all-inclusive of the total migration process; in fact there is no overlap between the two. The domain checklist includes only website-related tasks, and the email checklist includes only email-related tasks. Neither includes the step of switching over your DNS at the very end.

Domain Migration Checklist

This is essentially a summary process of the migrating each domain section above.

Domain Files backed up FTP enabled for all users Domain created on new acct Databases created and imported Users created Files copied Verified config files Site works in Virtualmin Cron jobs migrated

Email Migration Checklist

This is essentially a summary process of the migrating your email users section above.

Email User Old username Old password New username New password Alternate email Test email works? Old account forwarded? Old emails synced? jervis middlename jervis-foo swnf9p8y4

Trouble Shooting

Just where to start seems daunting sometimes. So take things step by step. First create a hello.html page so you can start figuring out just where things are going wrong.

  <h1>hello world testing</h1>

first start out with the hello.html page in your ~/web/public or ~/domains/ if this is not your primary domain you are debugging. Then move it to other directories which you are having problems. Change the text to be something unique just so you really know that it is your page rendering.

Static html doesn't display doesn't display. Don't fear lets walk through the configuration.

  1. DNS issue

    Does this return the IP of your new slice of Solaris goodness? Read this to solve the problem

  2. It Works! I'm seeing this page and not what I expected. Go back and edit your virtual server and make sure that in the bottom section you have Web virtual server enabled

500 errors

So I'm all moved over and all I have to show for it is 500 errors. To quote Filip “A 500 error typically means that Apache encounters a broken/invalid configuration”. Don't fear here are a couple of quick tips.

  1. .htaccess take a long look at this file. Anything relating to mod_security should be removed. Solaris Accelerators are using a newer version and the items from FreeBSD will not work.


My static pages(hello.html) are rendering but anything to do with the database renders a blank page.

  1. usernames double check that your usernames are the same from the FreeBSD. This is where using the checklists above will really save you time. From the checklist above jervis went to jervis-foo.

PHP issues

Make sure you've enabled error logging. See PHP configuration

Check if your ~/etc/php5/php.ini or ~/etc/php4/php.ini matches the configuration on TextDrive. For example, you may have to enable allow_url_fopen (which is disabled by default).

Nope didn't solve it

Don't fear more resources are available here:

  1. Check new install instructions for your specific frame work. Go through the steps making sure that everything is set correctly.
  2. Missing or wrong version of native package. We tried very hard to make sure that all of the native items are available. Check against this list
  3. search the Shared Accelerator forum. Use the search page enter the keywords for the error (start specific then fewer until you get a hit). First limit the search to the Shared Accelerator forum and if no hits search all forums.
  4. post a new question here

Help the next person and add your solutions to issues here as well

1) Only the oldest FreeBSD servers use public_html as web root. Newer servers use Check your old server before running this command.