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Moving to Joyent Shared Accelerators

If you're coming to Joyent from another web host, you'll need to move a few things over from your old host to your new home. Here's a few simple steps and articles to get you started once you've signed up.

  1. The first thing you'll want to do is log into Virtualmin and check your primary virtual server (domain) that was set up by us as part of creating your hosting account. All the features (except for MySQL and PostgreSQL logins) are disabled by default, so you'll want to enable the features you need to be able to use and access the domain at all:
  2. The next thing you might want to do is add another domain to your Joyent account (otherwise just go on with configuring the primary one):
  3. Create any databases you may need:
  4. Add users or mailboxes:
  5. Create aliases
  6. Transfer your email accounts over from your old host:
  7. You may also need to transfer Subversion repositories
  8. Move your content over by downloading your relevant files from your old host (or local computer) and uploading to your account here using SFTP (usually into the Document root directory of your domain).
  9. Export any mysql databases you may have and import them into your databases here (for instance, you may need to export import a WordPress or Textpattern database):
  10. When you've got everything set up, you can point your domain to your account by changing the nameservers at you domain registrar to Joyent nameservers. Once you switch to the Joyent nameservers, your domain should resolve within 48 hours to your new Joyent account (sometimes it's faster).
shared/kb/movingtojoyent.txt · Last modified: 2007/08/23 13:53 by filip
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