Naval battle

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The French battleship Orient burns, 1 August 1798, during the Battle of the Nile

A naval battle is a battle fought using ships or other waterborne vessels. Most naval battles have occurred at sea, but a few have taken place on lakes or rivers. The earliest recorded naval battle took place in 1210 BC near Cyprus. Most naval battles are undertaken in indirect support of land operations - either to obtain local command of the area so that a seaborne invasion or bombardment can take place, or to destroy or damage an enemy fleet so that he cannot do these things at some time in the future. Numbers of vessels involved range from 1 on each side to many hundreds; modern naval battles usually involve fewer, more powerful ships. There have been few large naval battles since World War II for several reasons. Few nations can afford large fleets or afford to risk their ships; most wars have not involved great powers fighting against each other; and aircraft operating from shore can destroy ships without the need for one's own.

Although the nature of the ships involved in battles has changed drastically, from triremes to sailing ships to battleships, submarines and aircraft carriers, many of the tactical principles remain the same, such as the importance of manoeuvre before the engagement proper, and the desirability of breaking off combat rather than risking the complete loss of a fleet.

There are several contenders for the largest naval battle of all time.

[edit] See also

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