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For Many Holocaust Survivors, a Final Struggle

More than 60 years after the defeat of Hitler, tens of thousands of Holocaust survivors are once again struggling for survival. This time the enemies are poverty and neglect, even as millions of dollars have been set aside for these survivors' benefit.

High Schools Give Flip-Flops the Boot


Flip-flops are a hot fashion trend, but dozens of schools across the country are banning the footwear because they consider them a danger. Students, of course, beg to differ.

A Stitch in Time Saves...the World

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One person’s garbage is another’s creative inspiration. Artists and artisans are using old methods with a new material--the plastic grocery bag.

For Sale: Your Lost Luggage


Air travel is plagued by delays, tedious security procedures and confusing carry-on restrictions. As more items are confiscated and a record number of bags go missing, a traveler’s loss is increasingly a bargain hunter’s gain.

Tattoo 2.0


The soaring popularity of tattoos, especially among young people, has led to more than a few regrets. Removal is difficult and expensive, so more artists now specialize in covering an old, unwanted tattoo with a new one.

Innovators Float New Ideas on Barges


A symphony, a BBQ restaurant, a theater and a swimming pool--all on water! Cleaner waterways have prompted creative entrepreneurs to build recreational venues on barges.

Got new allergies? Try yogurt.


Research shows that there are links between the repeated use of antibiotics and the likelihood of developing new allergies. But doctors say there may be hope--try yogurt.

To Seat and Be Seen


Hot restaurants have a new way to lure patrons: the rock-star table

Look, Your Honor -- No Hands!

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As new technology revolutionizes the sleepy world of transcription, the traditional clicking of court reporters on their stenographic machines may go the way of the crack of buggy whips.

New Sports Let Everybody Play

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New sports like "Wiffle hurling," "Mojo Kickball," and street bicycle polo are designed for players who may otherwise never play team sports-- or even exercise. They emphasize improvisation and spectacle over competition. Creators and participants in these games say they don't want to see their sports become more organized-- and therefore more competitive. But sports historians say sports are necessarily competitive, or else they'll never catch on. Can new sports survive without a cutthroat element?